75 Israelis Past and Present
To commemorate the State of Israel’s 75th birthday, the Center for Israel Education is sharing
lists of 75 people and things that form a mosaic of Israel’s past, present and future.
75 Israelis From History
Though they may have played important roles in helping Israel achieve statehood, these 75 people deserve recognition for what they did after Israel’s Declaration of Independence on May 14, 1948. Everyone on this list either is dead or has largely retired from the area of greatest influence. Those still playing an active role in shaping Israel appear on our separate list of current essential Israelis. Those whose greatest influence came before statehood appear on our list of Zionist founders, and we have lists of current Israelis and non-Israelis.
75 Israelis Today
It’s impossible to pick 75 people to represent all aspects of a state of more than 9 million people, let alone to pick the 75 most important or most influential people, but these diverse 75 are Israelis worth knowing across a range of fields to gain a better understanding of the current State of Israel.
The Atlanta based Center for Israel Education is a treasure trove of reliable information about modern Israel. Headed by Ken Stein, an internationally renowned teacher and scholar of Israel and the Middle East, the center offers three new items as we approach Israel's 75th anniversary: Exploration of the contents and context of Israel's Declaration of Independence with rarely seen materials in Hebrew, Spanish, and English; a deep dive without polemics into the key sources, speeches, explanations, and videos surrounding the proposed "Judicial Overhaul" in Israel in the Review of the Four Elements, and in commemorating Israel's 75 years, Lists of 75, with short biographies of Zionist Founders, Israelis Today, and non-Israelis who shaped the state. More lists focusing on Israeli food recipes and artwork are still to come.
Photo of Gal Gadot: Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Photo of David Ben-Gurion: Fritz Cohen