
Nava Nadler

Israel Bonds, Administrator, Germany

In November 2018 the Jewish community in Frankfurt decided to purchase Israel Bonds for each bar and bat mitzva child as a gift. The former Israel Bonds Global President and CEO, along with Executive Directors and staff from the global headquarters of Israel Bonds in the US, attended the Kabbalat Shabbat, Friday night services, at the main Synagogue in Frankfurt. Rabbi Apel welcomed the guests from overseas and announced that from that moment, every child from the community that is having his bar or bat mitzva would be gifted an Israel bond from the community to strengthen the connection with Israel. He emphasized the importance for the Jews in the diaspora to enhance the connection to Israel, the one and only Jewish homeland.

With that initiative from Rabbi Apel, the Israel Bonds B’nei Mitzvah program was launched in Germany. When the Jewish high school in Frankfurt celebrated the first A-level graduation after eighty years, it marked an incredible milestone in the rebirth of Germany’s Jewish community. It was the first time since the Holocaust that a class had a graduation in the Jewish high school in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The community decided to gift an Israel bond to every graduate to celebrate the occasion and to deepen the connection between Israel and the next generation.

Israel Bonds is proud to foster this connection with the community and individuals to the State of Israel and in the community. Every Jewish child should have a connection to the Jewish homeland. Giving communities the opportunity to participate in multiple purchase programs, such as the B’nei mitzvah initiative, is a great achievement.

A strong State of Israel is imperative. Israel provides safety and security not only to its citizens but to all the world’s Jewry. It is so important for the young generation to understand that connecting with and supporting Israel is crucial.

Israel Bonds are a unique bond issued by the State of Israel; they are more than financial securities products; they are a true bond with Israel.




Photo by Rafael Herlich