Together we Bond, Events in your home
Arnon Perlman
Executive Director - International Sales & Operations (Europe & Latin America)
A couple of weeks ago, when Israel Bonds International decided that all our professional staff will be working from home and to temporarily close our physical premises, we understood that it is essential, for all of us, to create a sense of normality in this less than normal situation.
It is for that reason we decided to use our creativity and the experience we gained in the last couple of years and came up with a series of on-line events that we can offer to all our lay leaders, clients, data base and friends across international. We decided to call it “B’yachad we Bond - Israel Bonds in your home.” I am very happy that all directors took part in the effort and came up with a list of events, some local and some international. Some of the events are current situation based, some are based on special dates (Yom Ha’shoah, Yom Ha’atzmaut etc), some are interesting content that we know will have an audience and some are just for fun.
All events will be open to everybody who wishes to participate, all you need to do is register. Most of the events will offer the option for Q&A because we know how important it is to interact. We will invite you all to the events and invitation will be sent out based on the dates. We encourage you to share the invitation with any one you think might be interested.
Israel Bonds was established in 1951, close to 70 years now. We were there for the State of Israel when times were difficult, and we will continue to do the same in these tough times. For close to 70 years we stand together with our clients and friends from across international and we will continue to do so and maintain the Bond with our homeland.