Alicia Braun Bruckman
Project Manager, Mexico
Working from home sounded heavenly on the day Saul Kisel, our Director, announced it. The reality is different - especially when you have two teenage sons and a husband all fighting for your attention.
I put on my best sweatpants and walk around barefoot. As soon as I settle down in my happy place, I hear: “Ma, I'm hungry”. I fix them something, then, I hear: “Ma, I need help with my homework”.
My oldest son is 13 years old, and the youngest son is 11 years old, so they are at an age when all day long I hear “I'm hungry”. I have to tell them “go yourself and grab something from the fridge”.
My kids have a lot of homework. My youngest son last week had to build a windmill. How come the teacher asked to build a windmill? That’s homework for the parents.
My dream of working in the living room quickly dissipated into working from a hard chair, away from everyone, rushing to finish my work before I heard the next call
from my family!
Working at home for the working mom and wife means triple the work and no time for myself!
As we find ourselves in closer quarters, good things have come out of this experience. For one, we have learned to respect each other, especially during video conferences. One step at a time!
All in all, I wouldn´t trade my family for anything! I love being near them and proving to myself that I can do it ALL!
PHOTO: Alicia Braun Bruckman