Lena Rekar
Administrator, Germany
Working from home is a new experience and I wasn´t looking forward to it when Michael, our director, announced that we couldn´t come to the office.
The first day in my new working environment was a little stressful. Everything seemed to be completely new, even though it was not. I had to get used to not being able to go over to my colleagues, talk and consult with to them or ask them something. 
We now have two video calls every day to catch up, organize our workday and check on how everyone is feeling. These calls are important and really help me to stay connected and structure my workday. I miss seeing my colleagues very much, but the video calls will have to
do for now.
It has already been weeks that I´m working in my home office and I’ve gotten used to this new reality. In the morning I get dressed as if I was going to the office so that I feel more like I’m at work even though wearing my pyjamas and sitting in bed with my laptop is a very tempting thought. I believe that we need a strong and somehow positive mindset to go through these difficult times. Staying connected with family and friends, yoga sessions at home and cooking delicious food helps me keep up my spirit.
I admire everyone who is handling the home office situation with children. I don´t have any so I can only imagine the extra stress and effort to keep the children entertained, do home schooling and work at the same time.
I want to send my greetings to all the KOL-readers and hope that everyone is healthy and safe. See you in the post-Corona era!
PHOTO: Lena Rekar