
Do you see the sculpture of Ben-Gurion standing on his head?
Tel Aviv is Israel’s first modern city, named for the Hebrew title of Herzl’s novel Altneuland, a new country reborn in its people’s ancient Land.
Look east and see tall towers. Look west and see the beautiful sea.
Walk along the seaside boardwalk. See swimmers, sunbathers, paddle ball players, friends, tourists* and families enjoying life. Keep walking.
See a sculpture of Israel’s first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, standing on his head.
Ask yourself why.
- Is it a metaphor for their history: against all odds, turning the future on its head and giving Jews the ability to look after themselves?
- Does it signify Israel’s attitude: always looking at things from a different perspective and daring to do the right thing?
- Or simply that Israel is a country filled with creative, unusual, interesting characters and personalities?
Actually, David Ben-Gurion stood on his head to relieve his back pain.
Is the sculpture a symbol or just fun?
Well, Israel is a democracy.
You decide.
According to Tourism Minister Yariv Levin, Israel saw record-breaking 4 million tourists in 2018, called a ‘significant revolution in marketing Israel’ abroad
Source: Times of Israel/29 December 2018
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Do you see the sculpture of Ben-Gurion standing on his head?
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