Israel Bonds Event France WD

Women’s Division France Chanukah Soiree

Elizabeth Cohen
Israel Bonds, France

On December 12th, Women’s Division France held a special Chanukah evening at the home of Clarisse Lacrosniere. The evening was hosted by Esther Truman, a participant who specialises in Chanukah donut workshops.

After an inspiring speech by Catherine Lacrosniere and Isabelle Amsallem, presidents of the Women's Division, we gave a summary of the year's achievements and thanked the Women's Division for its efforts over the past three years. Historic and new supporters were present and each recalled past highlights. We stressed the need to redouble our efforts for 2023, in particular by building new partnerships, such as those established with JEM, Moadon and the Yabné school, and encouraged the participants to multiply them! Jonathan Touboul recalled the role of lay leaders in organising meetings; Catherine and Isabelle gave ideas for events in 2023 and invited the women to commit even further.

Israel Bonds Event France WD
Israel Bonds Event France WD