With our Hearts!
Isabelle Amsallem
A few days after the October 7th pogrom, my husband and I decided to travel to Israel to support our family and friends, and to volunteer in our own way alongside our Israeli brothers and sisters.
Over the course of the week, we tried to do everything we could: donate blood, run much-needed errands for children in the south, bring them to a center perfectly organized and provisioned, bake for a day in the laboratory of Michelin-starred chef Assaf Granit, prepare boxes filled with cakes and challah for the chayalim—soldiers, and bereaved families. We brought treats, drinks and cigarettes to soldiers on bases, and their welcome was wonderful. We helped out with hot meals for soldiers in the north.
We experienced incredible moments of generosity.
The situation was very peculiar: we heard bombings, most restaurants and cafés were closed, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv were quite empty compared to the usual hustle and bustle, but what intensity! We felt the energy of our people pulsing within us.
These days in Israel have been as powerful as they have been unforgettable. We experienced incredible moments of generosity, sharing, unity, gifts, emotion, fraternity, sadness, tears, smiles and above all, great pride in belonging to our people. Our hearts vibrated at every moment.
The people we met thanked us for having come, and we thanked them from the bottom of our hearts for what they are and what they do, for every Jew in the world.
We have never seen so many flags flying along the roads and streets. Israel is strong, united and purposeful, but the country's economy is experiencing difficulties which, unfortunately, are likely to be long-lasting. By supporting Israel Bonds now, we are making our indispensable contribution.
Our thoughts are with the hostages— we hope that they will soon return home.
Israel for Ever, Am Israël Chai!

Strengthening Israel from Abroad: A Collective Endeavor
Noam Petri
Vice President Of the Jewish Student Union, Germany
Medical student at the Charité, Berlin
During times of conflict, support for Israel can manifest in many forms, with contributions resonating from communities far and wide. For those in Germany, particularly within the Jewish Diaspora, the commitment to Israel's well-being remains a heartfelt priority that can be fulfilled through various avenues of support.
Engagement with initiatives like Israel Bonds embodies a unique combination of commitment and contribution. While the act of investing is a personal one, the collective results echo throughout Israel's economy, bolstering it against the financial strains of conflict. By actively participating in such initiatives, individuals contribute to a sustained economic partnership with Israel, reinforcing its financial resilience from thousands of miles away.
Individual acts of advocacy play an essential role.
Moreover, collaborating with local organizations, such as the Jewish Students Union of Germany (JSUD), provides a platform for collective action within Germany. The JSUD serves not only as a hub for cultural and educational activities, but also as a conduit for advocacy and solidarity with Israel. By joining forces with such organizations, members of the Jewish community can amplify their impact, creating campaigns and educational programs that nurture a deeper understanding and appreciation for Israel's cause and needs.
In addition to these structured forms of support, individual acts of advocacy play an essential role. Each conversation, each shared article, and each educational session contributes to a greater international understanding and, subsequently, support for Israel. These efforts, while individually modest, cumulatively serve to strengthen Israel's position on the global stage and ensure that its voice is heard amidst the tumult of conflict.
"Am Israel Chai" — The people of Israel live, sustained by the enduring spirit of their global community. The actions taken in Germany, whether through economic engagement or communal solidarity, reflect a shared commitment to Israel's prosperity and peace.

A Meaningful Bat Mitzvah Gift
Fabiana Feferbaum
On November 11, 2023, my daughter, and her entire class of thirty-two girls at the Beit Yaacov school, marked their bat mitzvahs. But a month before the long-awaited date for all the families, the unexpected happened — the sad day of October 7th. The much-anticipated bat mitzvah celebration was marked with joy, meaning, and heavy hearts.
A connection with our homeland forever.
The mothers of all the girls came together to discuss a meaningful gift we could present to our daughters to mark the occasion of their bat mitzvahs, and given the current circumstances, with Israel needing us so much, we chose to give each girl an Israel Bond.
In doing so, we have given them the opportunity to support Israel when the country is in great need, and to have a connection with our homeland forever. It is our way of further reinforcing our burning flame of Judaism!

Rise, and Rise Again
Alex Pollak
United Kingdom
Growing up in North London in a family of Holocaust survivors, I often felt the weight of the trauma from the Second World War. While time is often the best healer, the pain from the war never seemed to go, lest we forget what happened in that dark period of history. And so the reminders of The Shoah were never far away when we visited Israel for family holidays. And when I eventually moved there with my family, it never escaped me that modern day Israel was built from the ashes of one of the greatest massacres in human history. Whilst I have often battled with many of the controversial issues in Israel, for me, Israel is a beacon of light for the Jewish Diaspora and a symbol of democracy in a region where democracy is scarce. Israel is not perfect by any means (what country is?), but it exudes energy, and its colourful and vibrant atmosphere is infectious. It cannot be refuted that the Start-Up Nation is one of the most exciting national narratives of the twentieth century.
We must remember how and why Israel was created.
I am still reeling from the October 7th attacks in Southern Israel, the horror that ensued, mirroring the harrowing pogroms of nineteenth and early twentieth century Europe. It has also struck me how these attacks have reopened wounds from the war, atrocities we hoped we were safe from in Israel. As the war escalates, it is heartbreakingly evident that those who suffer the most are the innocent civilians of Israel and Gaza. However, as Israel is being attacked from both the north and the south, it seems we are at a pivotal moment in Israel’s history; we must remember how and why Israel was created and stand up for its very existence. This does not mean ignoring the plight of many innocent Palestinians living in Gaza and the desperate need for a long-term and meaningful peace, but Israel cannot be cowed into submission by a group whose objectives are to destroy Israel and kill Jews.
It has only been seventy-five years since the war, but historical memory is long. I am buoyed by the amount of support Israel has received over the last month from some groups, including from the UK Government, but at the same time I am also shocked by those who have stood by silently, some even denying Israel’s right to defend herself. Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised, though.
For those of us who believe in Israel’s right to exist as a beacon of democracy in the Middle East, as a home for Jews displaced by the war, an investment in Israel Bonds can be used to demonstrate support for Israel in these dark days. I have faith that Israel will rise up stronger and more united than ever before, but in her hour of need, consider supporting the state with the purchase of a bond. Israel and its people will be grateful.

Caring for Women of Valor
Tannya Laham
Yesod Haolam Founder
Eshet Chayil is an initiative born out of the desire of a group of women who work for two well-known and highly respected community institutions in Mexico, Yesod Haolam and Yad Vashem, to do something proactive in times of war. As women who have their husbands and children at home and within close reach, it's heartbreaking to imagine how women in Israel are holding up, having their husbands, brothers, sons, and daughters reporting to duty and giving up their entire lives to fight evil, a wickedness like we have not seen before. We watch in disbelief from afar and truly feel for them, hurt for them, cry for them, pray for them.
They are not alone in this battle.
But we have also felt the need to do something more meaningful for them, and for us as well. So, we came up with a plan, and Eshet Chayil was created. We started raising money in Mexico, Chile, Vancouver and the cities of San Diego, Miami and Dallas, and with these funds we are working with Latin-American women living in Israel to arrange care packages to be delivered to women who have a husband or son or daughter at the war front right now. We have two main goals for this initiative. One is to let these beautiful and brave women know that someone far away is thinking of them and what they are going through, that are not alone in this battle. Second, because the products included in these care packages are sold or made by women in Israel who financially help and support their households, by acquiring these products from them, we are trying to help in Israel’s current economic emergency. By early November of this article, we have raised enough funds to deliver around six hundred packages with a thirty- dollar price tag each.
A tiny ray of light and hope.
The first care packages have been delivered and will continue to be distributed by different groups of women throughout different parts of Israel in the following weeks. Each package also includes a card with a heartfelt message and the email address of the person who kindly donated the care package, in case women on the receiving end in Israel would like to contact their donor to thank them personally. It´s a beautiful and heartfelt project and we will continue to raise funds, adding other parts of the world to reach as many women as possible. We know that Israel and the worldwide Jewish community is taking care of the basic needs of Israeli citizens and our soldiers. We, on the other hand, aim to bring a tiny ray of light and hope into the lives and hearts of these amazingly fearless women, who have on their shoulders the full weight of their Jewish households. May G-d guard them, bless them and keep them and their families safe.