Making a Difference

"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters
to create many ripples.”

― Mother Teresa

Arnon Perlman
Executive Director - International Sales & Operations (Europe & Latin America)

As I look back at a truly extraordinary year, during which we have all been bound collectively by a threat and an anxiety that has spared no individual, the words of Mother Teresa resonated.

Current times have revealed remarkable stories of the inventiveness and creativity of individuals who have developed wonderful ideas, workarounds, and contributions that have sparked innovations to help us cope with our changed circumstances. It is the ripple effect writ large, on a global scale.

These successes have reminded us all of the formidable effect the actions that individuals can have on others, near and far.

The theme of ‘The Power of One’ is not merely the language of strength – it is also the language of compassion.

And so, we have asked this month’s contributors to write about people who have inspired them or helped them at some point in their lives. The theme of ‘The Power of One’ is not merely the language of strength – it is also the language of compassion.

What spurs people of goodwill to action is often the fundamental desire to make a difference in the lives of their loved ones, and our love and support for Israel is often expressed similarly.

As individuals, we may sometimes think that one small action has no impact in the world, but history has shown us time and again that this is not the case. As individuals, we are one – but we are never alone. Over and over, we have seen the impact of a seemingly small contribution multiplied to produce enormous transformation.

With this powerful ripple effect in mind, the State of Israel has asked us to speak to you directly, to focus on forging numerous individual connections to the state by becoming bond purchasers at any level. One by one, and all together, we can do the right thing – in our lives, in the lives of our families, in our communities, and for Israel.

We surely cannot change the world alone, but let’s never refuse to do what we can do.

I hope these deeply personal stories will inspire you as they have me.