
Saul Kisel
My 2020
“Help young people. Help small guys. Because small guys will be big. Young people will have the seeds you bury in their minds, and when they grow up, they will change the world.”
– Jack Ma
When the modern State of Israel turned 70, it was a milestone from which we could look back and reflect on the nation’s miraculous evolution.
Israel now has a robust and strong economy. This was achieved due to many factors, not the least of which was the dedication of people who believed in it, who made the early leap of faith to invest in Israel, and who knew first-hand what life without Israel meant.
Next year, Israel Bonds is turning 70, and one of our most significant challenges at this moment in history is working to ensure that new generations do not take Israel for granted. Or worse, that our youth become less connected to Israel.
Now is the time to invest in young people, instilling a strong sense of their Jewish identities, and ensuring they are partners in maintaining a strong Israel. It is our task, arguably our most important undertaking, to inspire our “New Leadership” to become the “Next Leadership”.
We can accomplish this in many ways: reaching out to them while they are still in school is a crucial step.
Our Women’s Division is a key part of our efforts and have taken on next generational activities as one of their main objectives, working together with our schools. Nothing beats a Jewish mother with an objective!
Another key platform is the set of unique Israel Bonds delegations to Israel, when we experience first-hand what Israel has accomplished, and where we connect, bond, and become part of the larger Israel Bonds family.
I feel that our work really boils down to one essential dynamic: making sure we all understand that a strong Israel means a strong Diaspora, and that a strong Diaspora means a strong Israel. We are partners, in the deepest sense. And we work together with a shared sense of purpose and passion.
The world is changing at an incredibly fast pace, forcing us (in a good way) to be more competitive, to plan for the future. We will transform challenges into possibilities, and possibilities into realties – building a better Israel and a better world.
2020 is just beginning. There is much to be done, but we are on the right path. This will be a great year for us.
Saul Kisel is the Chief Financial Officer of International Operations & Director of Mexico.
Plans and activities as stated in this article are specific to the City and/or Region of the writer.