Israel: A Pillar of Identity and Security for the Jewish Diaspora
Heritage, Memories and the Future
United Kingdom
Israel Inspires Us to Be Builders of the Future
A Land of Promise
Israel Is More Than a Homeland, It’s a Family.
United Kingdom
Keeping the Flame Alive

Israel: A Pillar of Identity and Security for
the Jewish Diaspora
Noam Petri
In a world where threats to minority communities persist, Israel occupies a unique and indispensable role for the Jewish diaspora. For millions of Jews living outside of Israel, the country is far more than a geographical location; it is a symbol of self-determination, a link to millennia of history, and an assurance of safety in an uncertain world.
First and foremost, Israel is the realization of the Jewish people’s right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland. After centuries of displacement and persecution, the establishment of a sovereign Jewish state in 1948 marked the culmination of a dream embedded in Jewish tradition and identity. For Jews worldwide, Israel serves as a cultural and spiritual anchor, deeply tied to their religion, heritage, and history. It is the land of the patriarchs, the prophets, and the birthplace of a faith that has endured through adversity. From the Western Wall to the vibrant modern streets of Tel Aviv, Israel is a living testament to the resilience and vitality of the Jewish story.
A reminder of what has been endured and a promise of what can be achieved.
However, Israel’s importance to the diaspora extends beyond the realm of tradition and identity; it also fulfills an essential role as a safe haven. In the aftermath of the Holocaust, the Jewish people learned a painful lesson: the world cannot always be relied upon to protect them in times of peril. Israel’s existence offers reassurance to Jews everywhere that there is a place where their safety is paramount, where they are empowered to defend themselves, and where their survival is a national priority. This is not merely theoretical. From the rescue of Ethiopian Jews in Operation Solomon to the airlift of Ukrainian Jews during the recent conflict, Israel has repeatedly demonstrated its commitment to providing refuge to Jews in need.
In today’s world, where antisemitism has resurfaced in troubling ways, Israel’s role as both a beacon of identity and a fortress of security remains critical. While many Jews are proud citizens of the countries in which they live, the knowledge that Israel exists provides an irreplaceable sense of reassurance. It is the embodiment of the idea that the Jewish people are no longer at the mercy of others but have a home where they can stand together as one people.
Israel is not just a country; it is a cornerstone of Jewish identity and collective resilience. For the Jewish diaspora, it serves as both a lifeline to the past and a safeguard for the future—a reminder of what has been endured and a promise of what can be achieved. That is why Israel remains essential, not only for those who live within its borders but for Jews around the globe.
Noam Petri is 21 years old and studies medicine at the Charité – University Medicine Berlin. He is the Vice President of the Jewish Student Union Germany (JSUD) who also publish the new magazine “EDA”

Heritage, Memories and the Future
Sarah Villani
United Kingdom
When I arrived at the Kotel in August 2021 with the Birthright group I was leading, I told them the story of when my grandfather stood there in 1967. He was invited on a tour for journalists from Canada, a few weeks after Israel had unified Jerusalem. It wasn't the first time I'd been to the Kotel, but it was the first time since my grandfather's passing, and it felt different. This place was so special to him. I showed the group the picture of my grandfather wearing his tallit (prayer shawl) and tefillin at the Western Wall, with rubble on the ground around him. I told the story that he had told me - of how emotional he was to stand in our ancestral land, in our ancient, re-unified, city.
Israel is the ancient homeland of the Jewish people, there is archaeological evidence of this. Israel is walking through ancient ruins, where our people lived for centuries. Israel is the Jewish people's shared history, culture and traditions. But it's also more than that. Israel is the sounds of the shuk, hearing the yelling of prices of the day's produce. Israel is walking the shores of the Mediterranean, where thousands of Jews arrived home. Israel is a hotel letting an elderly lady stay in a room for a few days for free because her house didn't have a safe room and she didn't have family to stay with during the 1991 Scud missile attack (a gesture that my parents witnessed). Israel is the scientific and technological powerhouse, bringing immense innovation to the world.
Israel is about being there for each other.
Israel is a land, but it is also its people. Israel is when my grandfather ran back and forth on the tarmac of Ben Gurion Airport in the early 90s, to cover the aliya of Ethiopians descending from one plane and Russians from another as a TV reporter. Israel is walking the streets and seeing Jews of every kind and knowing that you have a connection to each one of them. Israel is about being there for each other. The past 16 months have been the hardest in my lifetime for Israel and the Jewish people. It is also when we have been our most united.
We recently celebrated Chanukah to remember the victory of our people to remain Jewish and live in our ancestral homeland. No matter the attempts to the contrary, we will continue to do so for generations, together. It's an honour to be able to be involved with Israel Bonds and help the future of the State of Israel and the people of Israel.
Photo of Sarah and Birthright participants was taken at Masada at sunrise.

Israel Inspires Us to Be Builders of the Future
La version française de cet article suit ci-dessous.
Israel is essential to our identity, our history and our connection to the land.
It's the cornerstone of my identity, as it represents all cultures and expressions of Judaism. This great diversity is a genuine treasure, especially since I love learning about new traditions.
It's a landmark of my history I feel compelled to visit regularly with important sites that are dear to me and bring me closer to our shared history. It strengthens me to know where I come from so, I can better understand the path I wish to take and the traditions I wish to perpetuate.
It's a source of pride due to its technological advancements over the years of this young state, particularly because of its commitment to sharing these innovations when they can benefit the wider world.
Israel stands as an example to follow in many areas, as this state has made boldness and initiative pillars of its societal model.
Having a strong and steadfast State of Israel is also a source of security. It is the promised land for the Jewish people, as it is the only country where Jews form the majority of the population.
There are so many heroes in Israel that people stopped counting them long ago.
The Israelis people strive to protect all life: for them, all lives matter. It's not uncommon to see Israeli rescue teams assisting countries that do not maintain close diplomatic ties to them. are not diplomatically close to them.
For me, Israel also embodies the notion of family. Like any family, Israelis can irritate each other and quarrel, sometimes even to the point of hatred. But in the face of adversity, they stand united.
Israel inspires me because Israelis are passionate people, and there are marked contrasts in both society and landscape. Whether in the heights and depths of the terrain, the arid deserts alongside lush vineyards, or the ancient customs coexisting with cutting-edge technology.
Finally, Israel inspires me because it's a country that encourages self-reliance, and where no one relies on a “higher authority” to come to their rescue. There are so many heroes in Israel that people stopped counting them long ago. This has been particularly evident since 7 October 2023, with countless stories of everyday heroes coming to light.
That's why Israel is so important in reminding us to always be on the side of the builders!
This is why Israel is so important—to remind us always to be among the builders.
Israël nous pousse à devenir les architectes de demain.
Israel est essentiel dans notre identité, notre histoire et notre ancrage dans une terre.
C’est un point de repère dans mon identité car toutes les cultures et toutes les versions du judaïsme y sont représentées. Cette grande diversité est une vraie richesse et j’aime apprendre de nouvelles traditions.
C’est un point de repère dans mon histoire car je me sens obligé de visiter régulièrement ces sites qui me sont chers et me rapproche de notre histoire et cela me renforce de savoir d’où je viens pour mieux comprendre le chemin que je souhaite emprunter et les traditions que je souhaite perpétuer.
C’est une source de fierté en raison des découvertes technologiques faites au fil des années de ce récent État et surtout de la volonté de partager les découvertes lorsqu’elles peuvent bénéficier au plus grand nombre.
C’est un exemple à suivre dans de nombreux domaines car cet Etat a érigé l’audace et la prise d’initiatives en modèle de société.
C’est aussi une source de sécurité que d’avoir un État d’Israel fort. En effet, l'État d’Israel est la terre promise pour le peuple juif car c’est le seul pays où les juifs constituent la majorité de la population.
Les Israéliens s’efforcent de protéger toute vie : pour eux, ALL LIVES MATTER et il n’est pas rare de voir les sauveteurs israéliens aider des pays qui ne sont pas diplomatiquement proches d’eux.
Israel représente aussi pour moi la notion de famille, comme dans toute famille, les Israéliens s’agacent souvent les uns les autres et se disputent. Parfois, ils se détestent mais devant l’adversité ils font front uni.
Israël m’inspire car les Israeliens sont des gens passionnés et où le contraste est très marqué que ce soit au niveau de la société que de la topographie. Haute ou basse, des hauteurs ou point le plus bas, désert mais aussi des vignobles. Des quartiers aux coutumes anciennes côtoyant les plus grandes technologies.
Enfin Israel m’inspire car c’est un pays qui pousse à se prendre en main et où personne ne compte sur une autorité « supérieure » pour être sauvé. Il y a tellement de héros dans ce pays que les gens ont arrêté de les compter depuis longtemps. Nous l’avons bien observé depuis le 7 octobre avec les nombreux récits de ces héros du quotidien.
Voila donc pourquoi Israël est important pour nous rappeler d’être toujours du côté des bâtisseurs !

A Land of Promise
Ariela Vainer
Israel represents much more than just a State to me, It represents resilience, identity and hope not only for the Jewish people but for the world. Growing up, I was always aware of Israel’s unique role as the homeland for the Jewish people. Its existence is born out of the historical need to offer a secure home after centuries of persecution, exile and genocide. Since its founding in 1948, Israel has established itself as a refuge and a promise of self-determination, where the cultural, religious and historical roots of the Jewish people find full and sovereign expression.
For me, Israel is more than a distant land; it’s a source of inspiration. In addition to its profound meaning to Judaism, Israel stands as a beacon of democracy in a complex region. It is a place where ancient traditions converge with modern advances in science, technology and culture. Through its innovation, Israel has impacted the world in areas such as agricultural breakthroughs, medicine and cybersecurity, proving once and again that a small country can have a global impact. I find it incredible that such a small country has made such a significant global impact.
Israel's existence is fundamentally a reminder that mankind possesses the ability to overcome hardship and build a better future based on hope.
Its prosperity and perpetuity are fundamental for those of us who share the values of human rights, plurality and the right to self-determination. Israel not only protects its population, but also opens its doors to those facing adversity, and, in doing so, shares its resources and knowledge for the benefit of all humanity.
For my generation, supporting Israel is not just about preserving its legacy but recognising its role in shaping a brighter future for us all. Israel's existence is fundamentally a reminder that mankind possesses the ability to overcome hardship and build a better future based on hope, dignity and justice. Its history and present are a living lesson about the importance of peace, cooperation and perseverance.
Israel matters to me, and I believe it matters to everyone who dreams of a world built on shared
values and enduring hope.

Israel Is More Than a Homeland, It’s a Family.
Rachel Goldstein
United Kingdom
My connection with Israel holds a deep and personal significance, rooted in the presence of many family members who call it home, cherished memories of school trips and tours, and the profound sense of belonging I feel whenever I am there, surrounded by people with whom I share a genuine connection.
For many in our generation, this bond has only deepened since the events of October 7th, as we feel a heightened responsibility to stand with Israel, protect its people, and ensure its continued survival in the face of adversity. Having family members and friends fighting in the IDF to ensure that Israel stands strong underscores how much the country means to those who live there.
We are profoundly grateful to the soldiers who have sacrificed their lives for our country, embodying the resilience and dedication that inspires us all.
We pray for the return of all the hostages and for peace in the Middle East. Am Yisrael Chai.

Keeping the Flame Alive
Suzana Bennesby
For centuries, the contributions of the Jewish people to humanity have been both admirable and invaluable. From groundbreaking advancements in various fields such as science, medicine, literature, and art, Jewish ingenuity has left an indelible mark on the world. How can we not take pride in the impressive and extraordinary achievements of over 210 Jewish Nobel Prize laureates, whose work continues to transform and positively impact global society?
This inspiring journey demonstrates the strength and legacy of a people guided by the moral and ethical teachings of the Torah. Despite having endured relentless adversity, the Jewish spirit remains resilient, continuing to contribute to humanity, progress and enriching the world.
The horrific terrorist attack on 7 October was a heartbreaking reminder of the struggles we continue to face. Antisemitism is again on the rise spreading false narratives that distort the truth. We do not shy away from this difficult battle but stand strong against these narratives for ourselves and for future generations.
As Jews living in the diaspora, we carry the scars of our ancestors, who suffered through the Inquisition, the Holocaust, and many other persecutions. That history comes with the responsibility of preserving and protecting our traditions for future generations.
Deep in the heart of every Jew is the desire to stay connected to their roots and traditions, honor their heritage and celebrate life always.
Emotions overwhelm us when we think of the Chayalim, the young soldiers defending Israel on the frontlines. These young people who could be our own family members make the ultimate sacrifice. Yet, with resilience and strength, the Jewish people remain united supporting the efforts and needs of our soldiers, the children, and families who have lost everything, especially loved ones, in unjust and senseless wars.
As we look ahead, the words of Hatikvah – The Hope, inspire and remind us of what we are striving for. In this new year we will celebrate 77 years of the State of Israel, a milestone we all should cherish. Let’s keep the hope alive with great joy, from generation to generation, supporting, uplifting, and contributing to a building a better world with more respect and peace among nations.
Am Yisrael Chai. Bring them home now!
Suzana Bennesby is the VP of FIERJ – Jewish Federation of the State of Rio de Janeiro and an active member of Israel Bonds Women’s Division in Brazil.