Arnon Perlman
Executive Director
International Sales and Operations (Europe and Latin America)
Dear Friends of Israel,
I am very happy to share with you this July volume of “KOL - The Voice of our Community,” dedicated to the first half of 2020. In this issue we thought it would be appropriate to reflect about how this year has been so far and how we all managed to Bond together in less than normal circumstances.
The global pandemic of COVID-19 has impacted all communities in which Israel Bonds International is active. Life as we know it changed for all of everyone, forcing us to overcome challenges we never thought we would need to face.
Despite the changes and difficulties, Israel Bonds International has never stopped working to strengthen our collective bond with the state of Israel. In 2020 we have been more active and engaged than ever before. We managed to create new platforms to communicate with you: our clients, leadership, and friends from across the International scene. I also want to take this opportunity to thank our great, professional staff around the world. Be they in Europe, Latin America or Israel, our team works so hard, in testing circumstances.
I personally thank everyone of you for standing with Israel and for being committed to the only Jewish nation in the world, even when our own local situations were weakened.
I wish you and your families health and happiness and hope to see you all soon, be it in your country or in Israel. Moreover, I wish that we when we look back at 2020, we remember not only the difficulties and challenges, but mainly how much we have learned about each other and the truly important things in life.