“Decades of coping with crises. Has the past prepared us
for the future?”
On 2 April 2020, Israel Bonds International launched the first of their global events with Attila Somfalvi, lead anchor of Ynet News.
Somvali presented a timely update on the Coronavirus pandemic in Israel.
Attila Somfalvi is the lead anchor of Ynet News, a political commentator and commentator on
the Jewish world.
Ynet is Israel's biggest and most influential news site. More than 1.5 million unique users are reading and watching Ynet every single day. The site works 24/7 and covers everything from Israel to the world scene. Since 2001, he served as a police correspondent during the second Intifada, and later as a diplomatic reporter and political reporter and analyst for more than 12 years. He now serves as the main host of television broadcasts on the Ynet new site and as a senior commentator. He is the editor and presenter of Ynet’s political podcast, “Counting Votes” and publishes a personal political podcast, “Realpolitik.” Somfalvi is co-hosting a radio show on Radio 90FM in Israel.
Somfalvi is also a visiting scholar at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) and takes part in an innovative study on “fake news” and the impact of the phenomenon on Israeli democracy. He lectures on political communication and politics in various forums and in educational frameworks. B’nai B’rith has announced earlier this year that a certificate of merit in memory of Luis and Trudi Schydlowsky will be conferred on Attila Somfalvi for a series of reports and commentaries on the relationship between Israel and American Jewry.

“Pessach in times of crisis”
On 6 April 2020, friends and supporters of Israel Bonds in Germany presented “Pessach
in times of crisis.”
Rabbi Avichai Apel from the Jewish community of Frankfurt am Main, spoke about the meaning and importance of Pessach, especially in times of crisis. “Pessach can provide us with the strength to go through this crisis. It´s a time to remember what is really important to us and how we can protect it.” Rabbi Apel said.
Rabbi Avichai Apel is a spiritual leader from the Jewish Community of
Frankfurt am Main

“COVID-19 in our communities over Passover and Easter”
On 6 April 2020, over 70 people tuned in to apre-Passover event with two prominent clergymen in their communities.
Speaking on the topic of “COVID-19 in our communities over Passover and Easter” Canon Andrew White, The Vicar of Baghdad and Rabbi Stuart Altshuler, Rabbi of Belsize Square Synagogue, spoke of their preparations for both Easter and Passover. Shifting their communities from physical presence in synagogues and churches to online was the main challenge moving forward.
Canon Andrew White was the vicar of St George's Church, Baghdad, the only Anglican church in Iraq, until his departure, ordered in November 2014 by the Archbishop of Canterbury due to security concerns. Known as the "Vicar of Baghdad", White is former president of the Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East. He was previously Director of International Ministry at the International Centre for Reconciliation at Coventry Cathedral, England. He qualified and worked as an operating department practitioner prior to becoming ordained. He has also spent time in Jerusalem at a Jewish Yeshiva, where he studied and learnt
Torah and Hebrew.
Rabbi Altshuler has combined a congregational and academic career. Originally from Los Angeles, his previous post before coming to London was as professor of history and philosophy in the Jewish Studies Department at Chapman University in Orange, California. With a bachelor’s from UC, Berkeley, he studied, was ordained and received his doctorate from the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City, is a Masorti/Conservative rabbi, a member of the Rabbinical Assembly, and has served congregations in Connecticut, Virginia, Chicago and Southern California. He is author of the book, From Exodus to Freedom: A History of the Soviet Jewry Movement.

“Pessah: Liberté & Transmission”
On April 6 2020, Israel Bonds Women's Division in France held an event called, "Pesach: Liberation and Transmission". The 58 participants who logged on were treated to an event rich in teachings relating to Pesach, while enjoying a warm and inviting online atmosphere.

“From son of Holocaust survivors to Commander
of the Israeli Air Force”
On 20 April 2020, over 250 people from around the world heard from Major General
(ret) Elyezer Shkedy.
The online event marked Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day.Major General Shkedy was Commander of the Israeli Air Force from 2004 -2008, the culmination of a 30-year career in the IAF. Shkedy gave a very emotional and personal account of events that marked his life as the son of a Holocaust survivor from Hungary.
Eliezer Shkedy is a retired general in the Israel Defense Forces, who served over 30 years in the Israeli Air Force and was Commander of the Israeli Air Force from 2004 -2008.
During his years of service in the IAF, Major General Shkedy accumulated more than three thousand hours of flight time, on a number of airplanes and helicopters, participated as a pilot, a planner and active participant in many operations most notably downing two enemy aircraft in Operation Peace for the Galilee.

“Defending against invisible enemies”
On 23 April 2020, guests heard from Alon Ben-David, the current Senior Defence Correspondent for Israel Channel 10.
Ben-David briefed the audience on several current events in Israel, including how the Government of Israel has been dealing with the Coronavirus crisis, its effects to the economy, and potential outcomes under the new proposed government.
Alon Ben-David is a television and print journalist, who has been covering the Middle East conflict for more than three decades. Specializing in defense and military issues, Mr. Ben David is currently Senior Defense Correspondent for Israel Channel 10 and a contributor to several international publications. He is considered as one of the leading journalists in Israel.
Mr. Ben-David has covered all major events in the region in the last three decades, including the first and second Intifada, the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the Disengagement from Gaza, Israel's long war in Lebanon and the recent Gaza conflicts. He has reported from scenes of major global events, such as the 9/11 attacks in NY. Throughout his career, he has created numerous documentary films and series.
Alon Ben-David holds a BA in political science from Tel Aviv University and a master’s in public administration from Harvard University. He is a senior research fellow at the Center for International Communication at Bar-Ilan University.
Mr. Ben-David frequently lectures throughout the world on topics relating to the Middle East.

“Tikkun Olam in a time of Global Crisis”
On 26 April 2020, Gal Lusky, founder & CEO of Israeli Flying Aid (IFA), addressed Israel Bonds International Women’s Division.
Nearly 100 women from around the world heard Lusky recount her inspirational personal story, as well as the work of IFA, a non-profit, non-governmental organisation (NGO) that delivers life-saving aid to communities affected by natural disasters and human conflict around the world.
Gal Lusky is the Founder & CEO of Israeli Flying Aid (IFA), a non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) that delivers life-saving aid to communities affected by natural disasters
and human conflict.
Deeply affected by her brother’s severe injuries in Lebanon in 1992, Ms. Lusky felt blessed to be born in Israel and have access to the Israeli infrastructures that helped save his life. Making a choice between revenge and compassion, Ms. Lusky turned towards compassion and felt the urge to help others that were less blessed than her own brother.
In 1994, Ms. Lusky left for her first humanitarian relief mission in Rwanda, joined by fellow Israeli volunteers. Throughout 1994-2004, Ms. Lusky spent time volunteering and passing critical aid joined by fellow Israeli volunteers that shared the same Jewish DNA that sanctifies human life and dignity as reflected in the Jewish Halacha.
IFA was established in 2005 in order to save the unseen victims of Article 7 of the Rome Statute and Chapter 7 of the UN Charter and the belief that in the clash between justice and international law, justice prevails. IFA’s motto is “Nobody asks permission to kill, we don’t ask permission to save lives”.

On 28 April 2020, close to 130 people from around the world joined online to celebrate
Yom Ha’atzmaut.
Guests heard a special message for Israel Bonds from President Rivlin, followed by an interactive quiz hosted by comedian Dani B.The event also featured Hatikvah, performed by JJ Hodari, and
DJ Moshiko Stern from 100 FM’s,who rounded off the event with an electric dance set live from Tel Aviv.

“Israel Bonds - Cours De Fitness Avec Coach Nofar”
On 30 April 2020, Israel Bonds International Women's Division held a lively fitness event; "Fitness full body exercises," with certified sports coach Nofar Ajzenberg.
The invigorating session was attended by 40 women and chaired by Isabelle Amsallem, member of Israel Bonds Women's Division in France from Lyon.
Nofar Ajzenberg has been a Sports Coach for 25 years.
She graduated from the School for Sports Coaches of the Wingate Institute in Israel. She can assist with any fitness or weight loss goal.

“Ateylier de Sophrologie avec Claude Sonalier: Se Libérer du Stress”
On May 5 2020, Israel Bonds International Women's Division held a sophrology session billed as, "freeing oneself from stress and tension," with Claude Sonnalier.
The event was chaired by Nathalie Denis,a member of Women's Division in France.
Claude Sonalier is a certified sophrologist, supervisor, hypnosis and mindfulness meditation practitioner. She practiced as a pharmacist for 15 years. After training in herbal medicine, aromatherapy and nutrition, she turned to sophrology. She is passionate about this psycho-body technique to develop one’s potential and improve their quality of life and well-being.
Claude Sonalier est sophrologue certifiée, superviseur, praticienne en hypnose et en méditation de pleine conscience. Elle a exercé comme pharmacienne pendant 15 ans. Après s’être formée à la phytothérapie, l’aromathérapie et la nutrition, elle s’est tournée vers la sophrologie. Elle est passionnée par cette technique psycho corporelle permettant de développer son potentiel et améliorer sa qualité de vie et son bien-être.

“L’après Covid19 à la lumière de notre histoire”
On 6 May 2020, over 145 guests heard from Alexandre Adler, who discussed the impact the coronavirus pandemic will have on history.
The event was chaired by Caroline Berdugo.
Alexandre Adler is a historian and well-known French journalist of German Jewish descent. His father, Emeric, was the sole survivor of his family who all perished in deportation during the holocaust.
After joining l'École normale supérieure, and passing history aggregation, he taught at the l'université Paris VIII, and at the Collège interarmées de défenseuntil 2000
His journalistic career began in 1982 at the newspaper Libération, then he took part in the management of Courrier International, for 10 years as editor-in-chief and then editorial director. At the same time, he collaborated for two years at Le Point magazine, two years at the Express and finally five years at Le Monde. Knight of the Legion of Honour in May 2002, he was made an Officer of the National Order of Merit on January 19, 2007, by the President of the Republic, Jacques Chirac. He is now a member of the editorial board of Le Figaro, and author of numerous books including most recently: The Time of the Apocalypse,
Paris, Grasset, 2018.

“Defending against invisible enemies”
On 7 May 2020, nearly 150 people from around the world joined online to hear Alon Ben-David, the current Senior Defence Correspondent for Israel Channel 10.
At that time, there was increasing optimism as Israel was taking steps to relax the pandemic lockdown.
Alon Ben-David is a television and print journalist, who has been covering the Middle East conflict for more than three decades. Specializing in defense and military issues, Mr. Ben David is currently Senior Defense Correspondent for Israel Channel 10 and a contributor to several international publications. He is considered as one of the leading journalists in Israel.
Mr. Ben-David has covered all major events in the region in the last three decades, including the first and second Intifada, the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the Disengagement from Gaza, Israel's long war in Lebanon and the recent Gaza conflicts. He has reported from scenes of major global events, such as the 9/11 attacks in NY. Throughout his career, he has created numerous documentary films and series.
Alon Ben-David holds a BA in political science from Tel Aviv University and a master’s in public administration from Harvard University. He is a senior research fellow at the Center for International Communication at Bar-Ilan University.
Mr. Ben-David frequently lectures throughout the world on topics relating to the Middle East.

“Necessity as the mother of all invention”
On 12 May 2020, over 90 women from around the world logged on to hear Dr. Yehudit Abrams, founder and CEO of MonitHer LTD.
Dr. Abrams spoke her conversion to Judaism, her work as a NASA scientist, and her journey of ultimately moving to Israel.
The MonitHer business case is to reduce death and suffering due to late diagnosis of breast cancer, by making cutting edge early detection methods affordable and accessible for all.
Dr. Yehudit Abrams is currently Founder and CEO of MonitHer Ltd. MonitHer’s goal is to dramatically reduce the death and suffering due to late diagnosis of breast cancer, by making cutting edge early detection methods affordable and accessible for all. Yehudit worked as a mechanical engineer at HP and Intel in robotics and plasma science prior to medical school. After receiving her MD, she was awarded a 25k Google scholarship to attend Singularity University on the NASA campus. During medical school, she traveled extensively with international medical volunteers across the globe, gathering the critical experience needed to join NASA as a Biomedical scientist developing and accessing medical diagnostics supporting the Mars mission. While working in ultrasound at NASA, Yehudit decided to dedicate herself to preventative medical imaging, and opted to work on early detection of breast cancer after loosening her cousin, a gynecologist and breast cancer survivor who was passionate about early detection. Yehudit went on to work as medical director for 4 years leading research for a breast ultrasound company prior to
founding MonitHer Ltd.
MonitHer Ltd. was winner of Mass Challenge Israel 2018 and the Israel Wework Creator Awards 2018.

“Cooperating is not only for emergencies”
On Thursday,the 14th of May, 100 guests logged on to hear Colonel Grisha Yakubovich, who gave a highly engaging and valuable perspective on policy matters pertaining to the Israeli-Palestinian dynamic.
With over thirty years of experience in cooperative efforts between Israelis and Palestinians at the highest level of both the public and private sectors, Yakubovich shared his unique expertise and insights into possible future scenarios.
With over thirty years of first-hand experience initiating and executing cooperative efforts between Israelis and Palestinians amongst the highest levels of both the public and private sectors, Colonel Grisha Yakubovich’s unique expertise has rapidly emerged as a highly-valuable perspective sought out by the international community on policy matters pertaining to the Israel-Palestinian dynamic.

“The Road to Testing”
On 20 May 2020, Israel Bonds International Women’s Division hosted Dr. Tehila Ben Moshe, Co-Founder, CEO and Chairwoman of Biond Biologics.
Dr Ben Moshe explained how her innovative biotech company discovers and develops breakthrough therapies for cancer treatment.
Biond Biologics vision is to bring its innovative drugs to patients based on synergistic long-term collaborations with leading global companies.
Dr. Tehila Ben Moshe is the Co-Founder, CEO and Chairwoman of Biond Biologics, an innovative biotech company founded in 2016 and aims to discover and develop breakthrough therapies for the treatment of cancer.
Prior to that, Dr. Ben-Moshe was the CEO and VP R&D of cCAM Biotherapeutics, a company that developed novel immunoncology biological drug for the treatment of solid tumors. cCAM biotherapeutics was fully acquired by Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) in July 2015. During her period at cCAM, Dr. Ben-Moshe showed strong management and leadership skills, including bringing an early stage company from inception to a successful proof of concept and clinical trials.
After cCAM Biotherapeutics acquisition, Dr. Ben-Moshe founded Biond Biologics together with the scientific team that worked with her at cCAM and additional professionals from the Israeli Biotech. She brought to the young company leadership, scientific excellence and high motivation to discover new therapies to high unmet medical needs, mainly to cancer.
Biond Biologics focus on developing innovative biological drugs for novel oncology targets by uncovering immunoregulatory pathways and by enabling the intracellular delivery of biologics. The company’s vision is to bring its innovative drugs to patients based on synergistic long-term collaborations with leading global companies.
Since its inception, Biond Biologics built a pipeline of novel drug candidates by translating high quality science and out-of-the-box innovative thinking into its breakthrough therapies to cancer. Biond Biologics is progressing its drug candidate into clinical trials and created value by generating synergistic partnerships with leading pharma companies in the field.

« Chavouot, le don de la Torah : des obligations
qui nous libèrent ? »
On May 25 2020, Israel Bonds International Women’s Division hosted Mariacha Drai. The presentation centered around the coming festival of Shavuot.
The inspirational and informative event was attended by 120 guests. Drai’s conceptual and modern approach was well received by the audience. The event was chaired by Isabelle Amsallem and Patricia Levy.
Mariacha Drai is a teacher and lecturer. After a career as a computer engineer in Israel, and studying the Talmud, she pivoted to teaching The Tora. She created: Essenti'Elle,a space for all women to study the Torah, and the Bohi Kala seminary for engaged and married women. She is also a certified family and couples the rapist.

Zumba with Eliana Bekier Perlman.
On 27 May 2020, Israel Bonds International Women's Division held an online Zumba class with Eliana Bekier Perlman, Israeli TV and film actress.
Bekier Perlman, who is also a personal trainer and Zumba instructor, engaged everyone with her high-energy momentum.
Eliana Bekier Perlman is an Israeli TV and film actress and winner of Dancing with the Stars (Israel version, first season). She is also a personal trainer and a Zumba instructor spending the last several years teaching Zumba in Shanghai and London for international participants.

“Blackrock’s Journey to Israel: Innovation, Passion, Performance”
On 4 June 2020, Alex Pollak, Managing Director of BlackRock, spoke about the company’s journey to Israel.
Pollak noted that as recently as 2008, BlackRock had no presence in Israel. He spearheaded the building of their business there and scaling it up to office openings in 2016.
Alex Pollak, Managing Director, is today Head of Clients within BlackRock’s Fiduciary Management Business but up until December 2019 was BlackRock’s Country Head for Israel, a position he held for over 11 years. As well as initiating BlackRock’s coverage of the region, he was responsible for establishing a local office and team which became the largest global asset manager operating in the country.

“Israel – A Land Filled with Stories”
On 3 June 2020,Israel Bonds Germany hosted Matthias Fuchs, journalist,
photographer, and designer.
Friends and supporters of Israel Bonds from across Germany participated in his interesting and vivid lecture followed by an engaging Q&A session.
Fuchs spoke passionately about his first visit to Israel, “I thought nothing can beat my favorite country Italy, but then I came to Israel.”
Matthias Fuchs, owner of the advertising agency MFK, presents Israel in all its facets in his high-quality magazines. The people he portrays, from musician Idan Reichel to chef Uri Buri to Marco Massano, who led the IDF operation "Good Neighbor" on Israel's border with Syria, reveal the shared values of an open and diverse society for which it is worth struggling with creativity and innovation.

« Immunité Et Secrets De L’alimentation »
On 3 June 2020, Israel Bonds International Women’s Division welcomed Dr. Catherine Lacrosnière, an expert in nutrition. 70 people logged on to hear Dr. Lacrosnière discuss diet and nutrition,immunity,and inflammation.
The event was chaired by Muriel Levy and Brigitte Perez.
Doctor Catherine Lacrosnière is a Doctor, nutritionist, author and speaker. For over 20 years, she has supported the management of nutrition-related problems and pathologies in consultation. As an independent expert, she advises the food and nutri-cosmeticsindustry in the various fields related to diet, nutritional balance and well-being. She is a contributor in the mainstream press (Elle, Santé Magazine, Top Santé, Fémina, Dr Good c'est bon, etc.), on the radio (France-Inter) and on television (France 5, France 2) on topics relating to nutrition.

“Jewish life in Germany”
On 8 June 2020,guests from across Germany logged on to hear from photographer Rafael Herlich, a Tel Aviv native living in Frankfurt am Main.
Herlich, a chronicler of Jewish life in Germany, has published several books, and initiated exhibitions and projects in schools about various aspects of Jewish life in Germany.
In his emotional presentation,he intertwined his personal life story and the story of his family with his development as a photographer. Through his pictures, Herlich connects Israel, Germany and Poland in a very personal way and shows Jewish life in Germany in
all its facets.
Photographer Rafael Herlich, born 1954 in Tel Aviv, began his professional career in Germany in 1975. Over the years he gained an excellent reputation as a chronicler of Jewish life in Germany.

“Extracting Antibodies; The search for the Vaccine”
On 16 June 2020, over 100 people joined Israel Bonds and Magen David Adom UK to hear from Professor Eilat Shinar.
Professor Shinar Is the Magen David Adom Director, and Head of Israel’s Blood Service. Shinar shared how Magen David Adom is collecting antibodies from blood plasma units donated by individuals who recovered from COVID-19. The antibody testing, she said, is important in order to treat severely ill patients, and to an eventual viable vaccine.
Prof. Eilat Shinar was born in Israel. She acquired her medical education at the Hebrew University and Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, Israel. After obtaining an M.D. degree in 1976, she became a specialist in Hematology, and worked as a Fellow and a Senior Physician at the department of Hematology, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem.
Between 1984-1986 she was a Research Fellow at the Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA. USA. Prof. Shinar studied the structure and function of Red Blood Cell Membrane in Thalassaemia (Mediterranean Anemia). In 1988 she joined Magen David Adom (MDA) Blood Services as the director of the Hemapheresis unit, and in 1997 she was nominated as the MDA National Blood Services Director.
Prof. Shinar’s main fields of interest are Transfusion Medicine, Volunteer Blood Donor Recruitment, Detection and Prevention of Transfusion Transmitted-Diseases, Development of New Technologies for Blood Collection and Novel usage of Blood Components. She is a Professor of Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine in Ben Gurion University, and the author of
94 scientific papers.
In Israel, she is a member of the Advisory committees to the Israeli Ministry of Health on Transfusion Medicine, Aids Prevention, and the Chairperson of the Advisory Committee for Blood Usage in Emergencies. In the International field, she is a member of GAP, the global advisory panel on Corporate Governance and Risk
Management of Blood Services in Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. She served on the AABB International
Activities Committee and the Sustainable Development and Health Advisory Body of the International
Red Cross/Red Crescent Federation.
Prof. Shinar is married to Yoram, has three children and one grandson.

“The Jewish Community in Germany in times of the Corona crisis”
On 18 June 2020, Aron Schuster, director of the Central Welfare Bord of Jews in Germany, joined Israel Bonds Germany to discuss how Jewish communities in Germany are dealing with the Corona crisis.
The Central Welfare Bord of Jews in Germany runs several nursing homes, Schuster explained, and needed to react quickly to the challenges faced by vulnerable,
high-risk groups.
Schuster expressed his gratitude for the participation of Israel Bonds Germany on the Tablets4Safta project, which provides tablets to the residents of the nursing homes so that they can stay in touch with loved ones digitally.
“The Corona crisis forced us to rethink our way of working together and to come up with new and innovative ways to stay connected,” Aron Schuster said.
Aron Schuster, director of the Central Welfare Bord of Jews in Germany who have coordinated many projects to meet the community needs in the face of the Corona crisis, particularly the elderly, children and their parents,
and people with disabilities.

“Sleep Deprivation In The Age Of Anxiety”
On 23 June 2020, nearly 90 people heard from Dr. Mairav Cohen-Zion,clinical psychologist and sleep researcher, and Amir Inditzky, developer of the sleep training dayzz APP.
Together, they explained how the Israeli start up, dayzz, achieves personalised sleep through the APP, which created personalised sleep training plans based on factors such as life style and sleep goals.
Dr. Mairav Cohen-Zion is a clinical psychologist and sleep researcher. She received her PhD at the University of San Diego, California (UCSD) and her postdoctoral training at the San Diego VA Medical Center. Dr. Cohen-Zion has expertise in behavioral and cognitive therapies for sleep disorders and has worked in public and private healthcare settings and sleep laboratories for over 20 years.
Dr. Cohen-Zion is the Chief Science Officer at dayzz and supports the clinical knowledge-base and scientific research at dayzz. In this role, she designs and executes clinical validation studies to test the clinical efficacy of the dayzz app as well as the economic impact of the sleep improvement, writes and adapts evidence-based sleep protocols for the app.
She is faculty at the Academic College Tel Aviv - Jaffa, Israel, and treats patients with sleep disorders in her private practice.
Amir has been leading innovative, complex online products for the past 15 years. He is an eCommerce expert with a wide-angle view on all aspects of online performance optimization projects. Prior to his CEO role at dayzz he was leading the technological innovation and online products at IDB and prior to that he was the EVP of Ecommerce at LastMInuteTravel.com.
Amir holds a B.S.C. in Life science and MBA as part of the executive program, both at TAU.

“Encounter - reconciliation - return to Israel even in Corona times?”
On 24 June 2020, Hinrich Kaasmann from Ebenezer Aid Fund Germany spoke about Aliyah during the time of the virus.
Kaasmann explained that even though the circumstances are different and more complex than usual, COVID-19 has not stopped Jews from migrating to the Jewish homeland. Working closely with the Jewish Agency, volunteers of Ebenezer Germany help Jews looking to make Aliyah. From filing e necessary paperwork, to preparing for their new life in Israel, to arranging transportation to the airport. Kaasmann also elaborated on his motivation as a Christian to support Aliyah to Israel. It is, he said, a deep personal belief that every Jew should have the opportunity to live in their ancestral homeland.
Hinrich Kaasmann is a board member of the "Friends of Yad Vashem in Germany“,and heads the "Ebenezer Aid Fund Germany”, a non-profit organization that promotes Christian-Jewish exchange and processes of reconciliation and helps Jews - especially from the former Soviet Union - to return to Israel.
The motto of Ebenezer Germany is "Encounter - Reconciliation - Return to Israel". Kaasmann studied electrical engineering in Germany and the USA and worked until 2005 as Technical Director of a global energy company.

“How the Bold & Agile Entrepreneur can shine in difficult times”
On 30 June 2020, over 80 people heard from Yaron Carni, founder of Maverick Ventures (Israel), Yaron Carni.
Maverick Ventures (Israel) was founded “by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs,” providing funding for tech start-up companies from global investors and focusing on the success of innovative Israeli companies.
Carni expressed that is was inspiring for him to see how even in the most challenging times, innovation and business opportunities can still flourish.
Prior to starting Maverick Israel, Yaron founded the Tel Aviv Angel Group and was personally involved in the business development of all its portfolio companies, as well as five exits from the portfolio. One of his most notable successes was facilitating Google's first acquisition in Israel - LabPixies. Before that, Yaron was the Head of Business Development of GC Marketing Services in New York until it was sold. He is a graduate of the Sam Zell Entrepreneurship Program and holds a master’s degree in law with a concentration in IP.
Yaron served as a reserves officer in the I.D.F. and was a spokesman. He sits on the board of the United Hatzalah, an independent, non-profit Emergency Medical Services Organization which consists of over 5,000 volunteer first responders to medical emergencies throughout Israel. Recently, the organization received the Schwab Foundation's Social Entrepreneur Award, was featured at the World Economic Forum in Davos and obtained a spotlight on TED. Yaron is a contributor to Forbes and writes about Israeli innovation.

“Recruiting the green prince”
On 16 July 2020, over 150 people joined Israel Bonds together with Tel Aviv University Trust online to hear from Gonen Ben-Yitzhak, who worked for the Israeli Secret Service (ISS) known as “Shin Bet”
Gonen told his personal and inspirational story about overseeing one of ISS's most sensitive operations – handling Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of the founder of Hamas in the West Bank and founder of the organisation’s political wing. Also known as “The Green Prince”, Mosab was ISS's most valuable recruit.
Gonen Ben-Yitzhak, Tel Aviv University graduate and son of a prominent Israeli General, served in the Israeli Navy for three years. Following his military service, he received B.A. degrees in Psychology and Management at Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel.
After the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzah Rabin in 1992, Ben-Itzhak joined the Israeli Secret Service (ISS) known as “Shin Bet” and served in Ramallah, West Bank, as a handler and district manager during the second Intifadah.
Gonen Ben-Yitzhak, Tel Aviv University graduate and son of a prominent Israeli General, served in the Israeli Navy for three years. Following his military service, he received B.A. degrees in Psychology and Management at Ben Gurion University,
Beer Sheva, Israel.
After the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzah Rabin in 1992, Ben-Itzhak joined the Israeli Secret Service (ISS) known as “Shin Bet” and served in Ramallah, West Bank, as a handler and district manager during the second Intifadah.
During that time, Ben-Yitzhak was in charge of one of ISS's most sensitive operations – handling The Green Prince - ISS's most valuable recruit
The Green Prince, whose identity was not revealed for over ten years until 2010, is Mosab Hassan Yousef, the eldest son of Sheik Hassan Yousef. Sheik Yousef was the founder of Hamas in the West Bank and founder of the organization’s political wing. He remains, to this day, a key figure and leader of Hamas.
In 2014, acclaimed documentary film, The Green Prince, featuring Mosab Hassan Yousef and Gonen Ben-Yitzhak, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival where it received the Audience Award for best documentary. The film received other awards at the Moscow International Film Festival and at the Israeli Film Festival, and made its United States theatre debut this Fall.
Gonen Ben-Yitzhak specialized in counter terrorism within fundamental Muslim factions until 2006, when he left the Shin Bet.

“Israel the entrepreneurial nation and the challenges of the pandemic”
On 22 April 2020, 40 people logged on to hear from Alon Lavi - Israel Consul General in
São Paulo, Brazil.
Alon Lavi spoke about the challenges Israel faced during the start of the pandemic and the entrepreneurial spirit of the people of Israel.
Alon Lavi arrived in Brazil in August 2019 as Israel Consul General in São Paulo. Since 2016, the diplomat was the Deputy Head of Mission at the Israeli Embassy in Mexico City.
Alon was already in Brazil on his first diplomatic mission, in 2011, as First Secretary at the Israeli Embassy in Brasilia. From 2014 to 2016, he was Deputy Speaker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem, Israel.
Between 2005 and 2008, Alon was Director of International Programs for the Jewish Agency and Senior Representative of the Macabi Movement of the Jewish Agency of Israel and the Association of the Jewish Community Center - JCC, both in New York, United States.
The diplomat holds a bachelor's degree in Biotechnological Engineering at Ben-Gurion University in Israel, conducted research at the Institute of Biochemistry, Oxford University, England, and a master's degree in Conflict Resolution and Negotiation from Bar Ilan University in Israel.
Alon Lavi is 40 years old, married with Reina Lavi and has three children.

“Facebook & Israel and the Jewish Community – A look into Facebook’s Approach to Policy”
On 21 July 2020, nearly 100 people joined Israel Bonds together with WIZO online to hear from Facebook’s Head of Policy for Israel and the Jewish Diaspora, Jordana Cutler.
Jordana shared Facebooks policies on how to tackle anti-Semitism and other harmful content on their platforms. Participants also got to hear how the Facebook partnership model is working to empower small business owners with online tools and strategies to grow in this difficult economic period.
Jordana Cutler has been at Facebook since 2016 and is the Head of Policy for Israel and the Jewish Diaspora.
Prior to this, she served as Chief of Staff in the Embassy of Israel in Washington, D.C. from
2013-2016. From 2009-2013, Jordana served in the Israeli Prime Minister's Office as Prime
Minister Netanyahu's Advisor for Diaspora Affairs and as the Deputy to the Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister. Jordana also worked in the Strategy Department of the Likud Party’s 2009 campaign, and from 2005-2007 Jordana served as the Senior Officer for Public Affairs at the Embassy of Israel in Washington, D.C.
Jordana holds a master’s degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Political Science, specializing in Political Communication. She earned her B.A. from Brandeis University in Politics, Near Eastern & Judaic Studies and Hebrew Language & Literature.
Jordana is a native of Washington, D.C., and made aliyah in 2007. She is married to Adam and has three children.

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