Dr. Noga Hartmann
Principal, I.E. Lichtigfeld School
Frankfurt, Germany
Lyel Ehrlich
On Behalf of the Historic Graduating Class

A German-Jewish Celebration
Eight Decades in the Making
The graduation of eleven students from the I.E. Lichtigfeld School with A-level certification marks an incredible milestone in the rebirth of Germany’s Jewish community

Dr. Noga Hartmann
Principal, I.E. Lichtigfeld School
Frankfurt, Germany
When the Nazis closed the I.E. Lichtigfeld School in Frankfurt in 1942, it was just another step of their plan to annihilate German Jewry, but remarkably, German Jewry has survived. Just twenty-one years after the Shoah, the re-opening of this school in 1966 became a first step toward rebuilding Jewish life in Germany.
And now, seventy-six years later, we have reached a noteworthy milestone on this journey.
we have a Jewish population large
enough to support a graduating class
and to know that Jewish life in Germany
will continue into the future through these
eleven graduates.
The graduation of the first class of students since the school’s reopening who have successfully completed their A-level examinations represents both a personal dream-come -true for me, as the principal of this school, and also the realization of a broader German-Jewish dream. I am so proud to see how far we have come, to acknowledge we have a Jewish population large enough to support a graduating class and to know that Jewish life in Germany will continue into the future through these eleven graduates. However, celebrating Jewish life in Germany always includes commemorating those we lost. During our graduation ceremony, our graduates lit a candle for those pupils of our school who couldn’t finish their educations.
I am very grateful that the Jewish community decided to gift an Israel Bond to every graduate. This sign of support and solidarity will deepen the connection between Israel and the next generation.
Our eleven graduates are pioneers, and I truly hope that they pave the way for many more to come. Learning and studying are core values of Judaism, and we proudly build on a long history of Jewish education. Jewish tradition and values are at the heart of our school’s principles, and it is our aim to convey these to our pupils so that they can live their lives as independent, socially competent and free-thinking individuals rooted in their traditions. Entwined in these traditions is the connection to Israel, the only Jewish state in the world. We usually organize a trip for our students to visit and form an attachment to Israel, but unfortunately, due to the Corona pandemic, we couldn’t make a trip happen this year. Therefore, I am very grateful that the Jewish community decided to gift an Israel Bond to every graduate. This sign of support and solidarity will deepen the connection between Israel and the next generation.
Rabbi Lichtigfeld’s “delicate plant” has become a strong,
firmly rooted tree.
We will continue this journey with our Jewish school here in Frankfurt and are looking forward to future graduating classes. All these years later, it is a joy to recognize that Rabbi Lichtigfeld’s “delicate plant” has become a strong, firmly rooted tree.
Photos by: sreckomi, Rafael Herlich, and the Jewish Community Frankfurt.

Every day with you was special. Funny, crazy, beautiful, and sometimes emotional.
Lyel Ehrlich
On Behalf of the Historic Graduating Class
Dear guests, families, friends and classmates,
On August 5th, 2008, most of us stood here on this stage, with colorful school cones in our hands, not knowing what to expect. Who would have thought that today, June 24th, 2021, we would be on this stage again as the first class to graduate from our high school? Over the years, friends have left and new ones have come and today we are here: Isabelle, Lyel, Elisabeth, Mark, Tali, Leah, Joelle, Slata, Lisa, Jessica and Mascha.
You will seldom find a class community such as the one we have built during the last years. In the yearbook everyone described our class as “crazy,” “sweet,” “a small, crazy, laughing family that shares everything with everyone,” “lots of girls and one tall boy,” “the craziest people I have met so far,” and “the nicest, most attentive and funniest little family.” We all share the feeling of togetherness, security, and craziness. As Mr. Vucelic once said: we talk to each other every day as if we had not seen each other in a long time.
Thank you for making our school days so unforgettable.
Soon we will go our own ways, gain new experiences and face other challenges, and then it will actually come to that day where we have not seen each other for a long time, and we will have more to tell than ever before.
Believe us, it is possible.
We want to thank the Frankfurt Jewish Community, the Lichtigfeld School Association, and Harry Schnabel personally for your great support.
Our families were always by our side. Regardless of whether we were happy about a good grade or complained — thank you for always being there for us during this stressful time.
We would like to express our special thanks to our teachers, who have accompanied and supported us over the years. We will always remember it! There is so much we are grateful for, and these few minutes are not enough to list them all. You have accompanied us on our way to adulthood, you have had a huge impact on our lives.
Toda, Raba Geweret Hartmann. Thank you, Dr. Hartmann, for investing so much energy and love in your work and for making it possible for us to graduate from our school. We also have to thank you for the wonderful, fun, enthusiastic lessons in Hebrew. You have always taught us to believe in ourselves: "Im ein ani li, mi li?"
But before we all burst into tears, let's remember our school days together as a class.
The first reactions of people when they learned that we are only 11 students in our level were always the same: "How does it work?" "Are there only two of you in the courses?" "There is only one boy!"
But that is exactly what is special about our level: We are just a crazy little family with a boy and a lot of girls.
Every day with you was special. Funny, crazy, beautiful, and sometimes emotional. Without you, the school would have been really boring and we are overjoyed that we could be in a class together. We will miss you so incredibly and therefore our greatest thanks go to you. Thank you for making our school days so unforgettable.

Photos by: sreckomi