My Bond to Israel Bonds

.Catherine Lacrosnière
Co-chair, Israel Bonds Women’s Division, France.

There are stories that start early. The one that explains the origin of my attachment to the State of Israel is one of those, encouraged by the Zionism of my grandparents and tales told by my parents, whose travels crisscrossed Israel in the early years. I learned very young the meaning of Israel Bonds, since my grandfather offered me my first bonds when I was thirteen years old. When, as a young doctor, I returned from the United States, the bonds, a gift from my grandparents— who were unfortunately no longer there— helped me to settle down.

Israel is part of my DNA, and I have always wanted to get involved in one way or another to be useful to the state.

So, when I was asked to present a video conference for the Women’s Division in France during the pandemic on anti-inflammatory diet, my favorite subject, I said yes, of course, thinking of my grandparents, who would have been so proud. Then, when Elizabeth Cohen offered it to me, I never regretted having accepted to be co-chair of the Women’s Division in France, along with Isabelle Amsellem.

My grandfather offered me my first bonds when I was thirteen years old.

I met wonderful and committed women with whom I enthusiastically share the love of Israel and the desire to organize events that make Israel Bonds better known to the Jewish community in France.

I was also able to meet such passionate women of heart from Mexico to Germany, from Brazil to England, led by an inspiring and incredibly positive woman, Laura Orzy, chair, Women’s Division International.

Women’s Division in France is part of my life, allowing me to continue in the tradition of my family to thank Israel for being what it is, a shield and a pride for all the Jews of the world.


Photo by Eugènie Martinez


Israel Bonds: My Birthright

Isabelle Amsallem
Chair, Israel Bonds Women's Division, Lyon.
Co-chair, Israel Bonds Women's Division, France.

Dear all,

As I wrote in KOL three years ago, I inherited my connection to Israel Bonds. At the risk of repeating myself, Israel Bonds is part of our family’s DNA, bequeathed by my parents. My father, Emile Azoulay z”l, was the organization’s European president for decades. For my part, I am delighted to co-chair the Women's Division in France with my friend, Dr. Catherine Lacrosnière.

Dozens of dynamic women make up our division. Thanks to each of them, meetings and events take place throughout the year to increase engagement in the community.

We need to anchor the historic and current significance of Israel Bonds in our
collective consciousness.

Expressing our love of Israel through Israel Bonds is a gesture of confidence that has always been generously rewarded by a sense of fulfillment that speaks to our heritage and our future.

Connecting people is important, and each member of the Women’s Division is a true ambassador of Israel Bonds to her family, friends, acquaintances and community.

Jonathan Touboul and Elizabeth Cohen are the solid pillars of this outstanding organization in France, and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate them and thank them for their fruitful work and exemplary dynamism.

Our commitment must endure, for together we are even stronger. Let's work together to further develop our wonderful Women's Division.

Join us! The cause is beautiful.

Am Israël Chai!