The Chutzpah of a Small State With Big Ideas
David Castro
Israel Bonds New Leadership, France
In June 2010, at the age of eighteen, I graduated from high school, and in September of that year, I landed, full of ambition, good will, and hope for a better life as a young French Jew, in New York, the economic and cultural capital of the USA.
I was following the trend of the thousands of French Jews who have been moving to Israel, North America or London every year for the past decade or two.
Around my twenty-first birthday in 2013, I became connected with the Safra synagogue, opposite Central Park East. The synagogue was frequented by Eli Wiesel, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, etc. and serves the Sephardic community in Manhattan. The Safra is invested in Israel Bonds and donations made to the synagogue were often invested, for a minimum of two years, in Israel Bonds.
Getting involved with Israel Bonds is a form of leadership

David Castro (2nd on the right) at dinner with frineds in New York City.
During my time there, I was invited to exclusive events with Israel Bonds and the Safra, which were held on Park Avenue, where Ben Gurion had launched Israel Bonds in 1951.
I quickly realized that for me personally, investing in the State of Israel through purchasing Israel Bonds is a form of leadership. Having lived in New York for four years myself, I noticed the generosity, benevolence and open-mindedness of the American Jews I met at Israel Bonds events. It's not for nothing that Israel Bonds sells US$1 billion worth of bonds in the United States every year.
I started an investors club for university students with a focus on investing in Israel. I started with universities and college campuses in New York and led a small team of students looking for community and leadership experiences to add to their resumes. Israel Bonds provided me with opportunities to network in a new city and meet many people with common interests. There was also the swag; yarmulkes, T-shirts, canvas bags and of course the wonderful Park Avenue parties.

David Castro posing with motorcyclists in New York City.
Back in Paris in August 2014, I came across an advertisement in a community newspaper for Israel Bonds, which was reopening its office in France. I got in touch with Jonathan Touboul to support the re-launch of Bonds in France, thanks to my experience in New York.
I believe there is more value when more people participate. Israel is for all of us, and we can all be a part of this effort – particularly with universities and young professionals.
Wishing the Israel Bonds team in France and continued success.