A seat at the Round Table with Victor Harel, former Ambassador of the State of Israel
The 5thPan-European Israel Bonds Round Table took place on June 3rd, 2019 in Berlin. Former ambassador of the State of Israel Victor Harel talked about the issues and challenges Israel faced in lightof the upcoming new elections.
Round Table participants also heard about other geo-political matters in the region, including President Trump´s‘ Deal of the Century’ for peace in the Middle East.
"It never gets boring in Israeli politics: from forming a government, to new approaches to Arab states like Oman and Saudi Arabia, to relations with the EU, the US and Russia." Victor Harel explained.
Israel Bonds Pan-European Round Table events are unique opportunities to…
Hear speakers on a wide range of topics;
Spark interesting discussions with people sharing similar (and different) opinions;
Bring people together to network.
Upcoming Round Tables will feature experts on topics as diverse as Trade Mechanics between Israel and China to Israel’s role in Global Development.
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Women’s Division International
Round Table
Israel Matters
Profile in Leadership
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