
Isaac Lan - Mexico Representative, Liz Cabasso - Project Manager, Abraham Sadovich - Financial Controller, Saul Kisel – CFO, Israel Bonds International & Executive Director of Israel Bonds in Mexico, Patty Finkelstein z”l, and Vicky Mamieh - Mexico Representative.

Israel Bonds in Mexico

Although the office in Mexico has been around for a long time, it continues to achieve excellence in forging and strengthening the bonds between the Diaspora in Latin America and the State of Israel. We would like to introduce you to our little family in the Mexico office.

The Executive Director of Israel Bonds in Mexico and International Chief Financial officer, Saul Kisel, has been with the Bonds organization since 1995. His fine leadership talents have enabled the team to hold their own in Mexico so that Israel Bonds has become a household name in the Mexican Jewish community. He continuously strives to involve the new generations and new leadership with the State of Israel and to forge alliances with the different Jewish communities and organizations in Mexico.

David Bar-On holds the position of international affairs consultant.  Without a doubt, he is crucial to the accomplishments of the Mexico office. Although he lives in Israel, he has always provided endless support and expertise to the Mexico-based staff.

Abraham Sadovich, Financial Controller for Israel Bonds International, has been with the organization since 2003 and has remained a constant force because of his loyalty and total commitment.

Isaac Lan is one of our representatives of Israel Bonds Mexico. He began his tenure with us in March 2015 and is a source of inspiration for those around him due to his cheerful nature and congenial personality.

Vicky Mamieh, our other representative of Israel Bonds Mexico, hails from South Carolina, and began working at the office in January 2014. Although she is a dedicated grandmother, she is committed to the organization and to providing outstanding customer service.

Liz Cabasso began working with us a year ago and is the project manager of the Mexico office. She is always willing to help others and her extroverted personality is an added benefit to the office environment.

Liz and Vicky also serve as liaisons to our Women´s Division committee and ensure that things run smoothly.

We are saddened by the loss of our dear coworker, Patty Finkelstein, z’l, who recently left us.  May her family and friends be blessed with wonderful memories of joyous times spent in her presence.

Photo by Nir Dor Photography


Israel Bonds in Brazil

Eyla Benedykt
Israel Bonds Brazil Representative

Israel Bonds has been active in Brazil for over fifty years, since the late 1960s. After hearing so many wonderful stories over the years from lay leaders who experienced unique opportunities offered by Israel Bonds, such as various delegations to Israel, local events in Brazil and meetings with Israeli Prime Ministers, politicians and diplomats, I feel privileged to hold the position of Israel Bonds Brazil Representative.

I was born in Uruguay and am a mother of two incredible daughters, Tammy and Nicole, aged 17 and 20. I have always been connected to the Jewish community and Israel. In February 2016, I was invited by the then-director of Israel Bonds, Alon Alexander, to work as his assistant. Years later, I took over Israel Bonds in Brazil, headquartered in São Paulo. Since then, I have worked to show clients of the most diverse profiles the importance of connecting with Israel through Israel Bonds. Despite being headquartered in São Paulo, I serve clients all over Brazil, including Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba, Belo Horizonte, etc. Each client is treated personally, no matter their location in this
large country.

We have a very active Women's Division; our lay Leaders in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are women with a strong bond to the State of Israel, who help to plan and execute events and initiatives for Israel Bonds to grow and have a greater impact.

With a committee of young executives in São Paulo, we have an active group of lay leaders who also eagerly help out with events, ideas and community engagement.

In Brazil, I am so lucky to have a large network of supportive lay leaders who contribute to Israel Bonds’ success. We all give our hearts to this endeavor and never forget that Israel Bonds is not just a bond... it´s a bond with Israel.