Engaging the Next Generations in Mexico
“Israel Bonds: from the heart!”
David Bar On
Israel Bonds, International Affairs Consultant
When David Ben Gurion and others founded the Israel Bonds program in 1951, their intention was to form a strong and lasting connection between the young state of Israel and Diaspora communities around the world.
Today, the challenge before us is to keep that connection thriving by developing meaningful bonds with the next upcoming generation.
Bonding with Israel in this heartfelt way gives Israel and all of us, wherever we may live, the commitment to be strong, to be innovative, to grow, to build, to be. To proudly live Jewishly!
David Bar On has been with the Israel Bonds organisation for over 50 years. You can read more about some of his fondest memories in this article from October 2020, Reflections on my Israel Bonds career

Teaching Our Children Well
Israel Bonds Mexico Staff
Throughout the years, Israel Bonds has sought to involve the next generation by creating innovative programs that have a connection with the State of Israel. The main purpose of these projects is to increase awareness among the youngsters and, in the process, have them become more attached to Israel and its people.
In Mexico, the community is very close-knit and over ten Jewish private schools exist to serve a large percentage of the Mexican Jewish population. With this in mind, we have established several activities that are already firmly associated with Israel Bonds, and which allow us to further heighten awareness of Israel Bonds with this cohort of young people.
The experience exceeded our expectations.
Elementary Schools:
In 2021, our Jewish schools opened their doors to the Women's Division Committee to give them the opportunity to spend time with the children of fourth grade and introduce them to the Bond-to-Bond game. This card game was created by Women´s Division Mexico to distribute among the student and uses various symbols and leading figures of the State of Israel and Israel Bonds.
We had expected that the game would create moments of laughter and fun, but the experience exceeded our expectations, making us proud and immensely satisfied with our achievement. To keep the fun going at home, Israel Bonds gifted each child with their own game.
No one is excluded from this experience.
Middle Schools:
Going to Israel with all your classmates at the age of fifteen is the most important event for kids of this age. This tradition, which has been going on in our community for decades, has enabled all the students to travel regardless of their economic means, thanks to the savings funds organized by the schools and students to ensure that no one is excluded from this experience.
Israel Bonds Mexico, with the support of Women's Division, distributes approximately 10,000 chocolates each year to eight Jewish schools within our network. These chocolates are in turn distributed to the ninth-grade students so that they sell them, thus fundraising for their upcoming trip to Israel. This activity requires a lot of coordination with the different schedules of each school and is a tradition that we look forward to every year because of the satisfaction that it brings to us and the help we are able to provide.
Our huge previous success in the distribution of these chocolates means that both the schools and the teenagers look forward with great anticipation each year to receiving them.
All the participants attended with their parents and grandparents.
High School:
This year we had the opportunity to sponsor an event that was tailored to what we were looking for to reach the high school students, who range in age from sixteen to nineteen. Rocket Challenge was a competition in which groups of teenagers worked on a business project that they tried to implement through various stages. The organization was impeccable. It included training for the kids from experts from a prestigious university in Mexico on the desirability, feasibility, and viability of their projects, so that after three months, they could present them to a panel of professionals.
The final event was extremely exciting, and all the participants attended with their parents and grandparents, who were proud to see their teenagers present their projects with such confidence and dedication. They all gave perfect pitches for their projects, and in the end, three winning projects were chosen. The judges decided to finance the project that won first place in order to ensure its success. It is worth mentioning that the winners of the top three places won a trip to travel to New York to learn more about the business world through Rocket Challenge.
We were fortunate to have a sponsor who gave the participants an Israel Bond of $36.00 USD to build confidence in their projects and strengthen the partnership between the participants and Israel.