
London and Paris Round Tables
London and Paris were the venues for the next two Israel Bonds Round Tables. In London on Friday morning, Arnon Perlman gave an intimate talk about the mechanics of doing business in China, and in Paris Elie Lobel spoke about how going digital has affected the medical industry.
Mr Lobel is the current CEO of Orange Healthcare – part of the Orange Group – which brings digital solutions to both hospitals and patient healthcare. He went to explain how the relationship between patients and their doctors have been transformed by teleconsultations, telediagnosis or telemonitoring outside of the hospitals. “More and more doctors will use connected tools, and this ability to collect and centralise patients’ data will lead to a more personalised treatment. Moreover, with artificial intelligence, doctors will be assisted with early stage detection and diagnosis” he told the group.
In London Mr Perlman’s talk was just as engaging. His expertise about his subject comes from his past five years living in Shanghai. Working both in the private and public sectors, “In every aspect China is a unique place, both in the way you do business with the Chinese and within China itself” Arnon explained.
These two round tables, marked our second half of the year’s sets of Round Tables across Europe. London’s being the sixth, and Paris’ being the seventh out of 12 meetings.
Photo Credits London: Blake Ezra Photography
Paris: Erez Lichtfeld