Jan Meek, a multiple Guinness World Record
holder adventurer:
“Don’t say why, say why not!”
Meek spoke at the latest Israel Bonds Women’s Division International event in London

Israel Bonds Women Division celebrated the International Women’s Day with Jan Meek an inspirational speaker who is passionate about life’s adventures and motivates others to seize the day.
The event took place on 12th of March and was held in a Soho location. It was well attended by nearly 40 women who came to hear the story of the only woman on the planet to have rowed across an ocean and walked to two poles.
Event chairperson and a member of the Women Division advisory council - Aviva Rahmani said “Jews in the diaspora are on a life mission to support Israel, because a strong Israel means that Jews will always have a home. Throughout my time with Israel Bonds Women’s Division I have been inspired by a community of women who feel empowered to show leadership in new ways. We all have an important stake in the success of Israel, and we need to ensure that our children and grandchildren will feel the same connection and necessity in the future.” Orit Usharovsky of Israel Bonds added “every investment big or small goes a long way in helping Israel maintain a highly advanced free market. Being an investor in Israel Bonds strengthens our bond and connection to Israel, to our collective history and heritage and to the ability of Jews to live in a strong and free manner”.
Jan Meek is an adventurer and multiple Guinness World Record holder. After experiencing a rich and varied life filled with remarkable experiences and incredible challenges, Jan continues to defy the odds with her adventures.
“I was inspired by Golda Meir after reading her biography” says Jan. “This incredible strong woman was always ahead of time. Along the last seventy years, the Israelis led the way in so many ways. Not only have they worked to show that women are men’s equal, but in many cases even superior”.
Photos: Blake Ezra