Why International Women’s Day, 2024 is Different
Laura Orzy
Chair, Israel Bonds Women’s Division International
As we marked International Women’s Day on March 8, 2024, this edition of Israel Bonds’ International newsletter, KOL, is dedicated to women in Israel and around the world.
This year’s International Women’s Day, more than any before, carries an onerous responsibility. At the forefront of our minds on that day was the horrendous massacre that occurred on October 7, 2023 — the impact and atrocities it imposed on the women who were in the area around the Gaza border in Israel, and the spillover from that massacre that has affected many cities around the world. We have all been glued to minute-by-minute news coming from Gaza and the communities in Israel on that border. We mourn the tragic loss of men, women and children on that awful day, and now constantly worry about the fate of the hostages. Around the world, antisemitism is rampant and reminds us of the atrocious events of 1939.
In many cities around the world, brave and determined women are leading pro-Israel rallies, standing up to the hatred, violence and lies of pro-Hamas/Palestinians against Jews. We have all heard and watched these appalling news items. In Israel, we have watched as mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and daughters stood up day in and day out for their family members who are being held hostage in unimaginable conditions – and we all pray for their safety and wellbeing.
In many cities around the world, brave and determined women are
leading pro-Israel rallies.
This International Women’s Day, I focused on highlighting the bravery, resilience, and strength of our Israeli women—starting with Rachel Goldberg, whose son, Hersh, is being held hostage. Rachel has been centre stage around the world, speaking out to garner support and help for the release of her son and all the other hostages. I also want to praise the exceptionally brave female IDF combat soldiers fighting in Gaza and in the north of Israel, the women who gave birth to the amazing volunteer programmes that supported Israelis and soldiers and still do to this day, and the average women in Israel whose daily activities include volunteering in some way – such as harvesting produce, packing food and supplies for soldiers, or sorting and attaching items needed for the soldiers on the front line.
I also want to highlight one important but often overlooked group: the many wives who have “held down the fort” while their husbands are fighting in Gaza. These women face exhaustion, worry and loneliness as they perform all the combined parental duties while their partners have been away for weeks or months on end, and they must still go to work each day. This includes pregnant women, many of whom already have several children, who have given birth without their husbands by their side. and even worse. those pregnant women who have tragically become war widows. I was profoundly touched as I watched these women provide care to other women in their communities. Beyond helping them with essential household items, meals, babysitting, and rides, they provided genuine, heartfelt support. It moved me to tears as I watched such true, empathetic help from one woman to another.
Now is the time to focus on rebuilding.
On International Women’s Day, I felt it was more important than at any other time I can recall to celebrate the hope, strength and resilience of women around the world.
Now is the time to focus on rebuilding. It’s at this time of year that we notice the blossoming of Israel’s national flower, the stunningly beautiful Darom Adom—the red anemone. All around this region, we are attracted to the carpets of red that speak to nature’s ability and intention to rebuild, offering us hope and resilience. Some may interpret the blush of red to represent the blood that has been spilled; however, I choose to see it as representing beauty and life!
During this month in which we mark International Women’s Day 2024, I hope you will continue each day to hold the women of Israel in your hearts.

Photo Credit of Anemones: Depositphotos