Solidarity through action
Caroline Atlani
Women’s Division France

Caroline Atlani is a General Doctor and runs her own Healthcare Consulting firm, CLA Healthcare Consulting. She lives in Paris and is a Women’s Division France Chairperson.
In a few years, perhaps we will read in the history schoolbooks that during long months in the year 2020, a viral infection upset the order of the world.
In addition to the sadness of this situation where hundreds of thousands of people died all over the world, this virus has led to health, socio-economic, political, environmental, and financial consequences.
"As a volunteer for Israel Bonds within the
Women division France, I’m proud to contribute
to the radiance of Israel."
Called “the great lockdown” by the IMF, this crisis has impacted the global economy, committing states to reinvent their financial policies to face these unprecedented economic situations 1. Israel, although identified as the safest country 2, has also faced major economic challenges. That’s why, in this context, as a volunteer for Israel Bonds within the Women division France, I’m proud to contribute to the radiance of Israel. This new network has developed energy, commitment, creativity, and inspiration to support this containment situation and reinforce the link with Israel.
Living in this difficult situation, we now know that we are able to reinvent our daily lives in a confined universe, taking more care of our loved ones, being more available for others and for ourselves. We do this through community organisations, finding new strengths, reinforcing social ties and exercising solidarity through new actions.
In the Jewish history books, we will remember that between Purim and Shavuot 5780, we lived with the hope of an imminent deliverance and we conveyed to our children the fragility of our lives, the strength of our belief and faith, the hope of our liberation and the strength of the unity of our people.