Israel Maimon Mexico

A Sparkling Farewell to Israel Maimon Hosted by Jaime and Deborah Schmidt

Israel’s Ambassador to Mexico joins leadership and staff in paying tribute to the accomplishments of Israel Maimon

On October 21, 2021, Israel Bonds Mexico was thrilled to be able to wish a warm farewell to Israel Maimon, Global President and CEO of Israel Bonds International as his tenure in his current position comes to an end.

At a lovely reception hosted by Jaime and Deborah Schmidt in their home, over fifty people, including David Bar On, Saul Kisel and staff, enjoyed exquisitely catered food and had the opportunity to mix and mingle before hearing from Israel Maimon about the challenges and successes he encountered during the five years he spent in his position. He spoke of the many wonderful memories he had accumulated on his various visits with our extraordinary community in Mexico, and recalled with particular pleasure his trip to our country to inaugurate the Maccabi Games.

We were also honoured by the presence of Zvi Tal, Israel’s ambassador to Mexico. Ambassador Tal gave a brief speech to the assembled guests, congratulating Israel Bonds for their constant support in helping Israel build its economy.

Our attendees were delighted with the opportunity to meet Israel Maimon in person, and we were gratified that all those involved counted the evening a success in every measure.

Zvi Tal, Israel’s Ambassador to Mexico and Israel Maimon, Global President and CEO of Israel Bonds International
Zvi Tal, Israel’s Ambassador to Mexico and Israel Maimon, Global President and CEO of Israel Bonds International
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Photo Credit: Keeping producciones