Israel Bonds INTL DE-Event-NL-WELT-

Israel Bonds New Leadership meets Die Welt
(Axel Springer SE)

Stephan Fichtner
Member, Israel Bonds New Leadership, Germany

On November 7th, Israel Bonds New Leadership Berlin visited the new building of the Axel Springer publishing house, which, since the days of its formation, has now evolved into a global media group that recently acquired the political magazine Politico. The impressive Axel Springer building is in the middle of Berlin and therefore in the immediate vicinity of the Bundestag, ministries and company headquarters. The city of Berlin was the centre of divided Germany, against which the publisher always wrote until reunification.

Publishers have to do more than just compile information and print newspapers.

During our guided tour by the advisor to the editor-in-chief, Tobias Blanken, we were able to look behind the scenes of a company that never sleeps. The new building offers more than 3000 work places and is the control centre of the publishing house. One thing is clear: to finance themselves, publishers have to do more than just compile information and print newspapers. Social media, online offers, video formats, etc.; all of this is now part of day-to-day business, as is communication with investors and shareholders.

Unfortunately, the German press landscape provides many examples of biased reporting about Israel. This is not surprising because journalism is created by people, and people have prejudices. Biased reporting often emerges from the press agencies. But Axel Springer SE, which publishes Die Welt, and Bild, two German newspapers, has stipulated in its statutes that misinformation of this kind is not permitted.

Tobias Blanken answered questions from the Israel Bonds New Leaders. The most important task of all newspapers remains the gathering of information. This is also a challenge in reporting on Israel, because many newspapers can no longer afford correspondents who are on site (not so Die Welt). False reports are difficult to check and are quickly reproduced because newspapers have to work faster and faster.

Unfortunately, the German press landscape provides many examples of biased reporting about Israel.

A special highlight was the surprise appearance of Dr. Ulf Poschardt, the editor-in-chief of Die Welt, who gave a spontaneous keynote speech in which he spoke about the challenges of an antisemitic cultural landscape and the Israel bias. He appealed to the members of Israel Bonds New Leadership to oppose this.

Tobias Blanken concluded with two statements that we are happy to take to heart after this impressive evening:

  1. Be lenient with journalists
  2. Do not judge all journalists by the words of one

Many thanks to Tobias Blanken and Dr. Ulf Poschardt for the time they took. Many thanks also to Axel Springer SE and Die Welt for their hospitality and, to Israel Bonds for making the event happen.

Photos by Stephan Fichtner