Empowered Women
On 20th September, more than fifty-five participants attended the Sao Paulo Women’s Division inaugural event to learn about Israel Bonds, the importance of the connection with the State of Israel and to hear a lecture entitled “Women in Spaces of Power,” presented by Luana Tavares, Founder of Conecta, Acelerator of Women in Politics.

Patricia Fuchs And Luana Tavares
Thank you to our co-chairs, Patricia Lisbona Fuchs and Elisa Nigri Griner, and a special thank-you to Patricia, who opened her home for this event.
Thank-you also to our lay leaders, Ilana Leeberman, Dana Revi, Karen Sasson, Vanessa Rosenbaum, Flavia Charatz, Alessandra Andrei, Loretta Nigri, Luciana Klar, Elisa Bekerman and Sandra Grimblat for all their help for this event.