A Strong Community
Léa Atlani, France
A Perfect Partnership
Louise Jacobs,
United Kingdom
Immense pride and honour
Jaime Cimerman, Brazil
Meeting Point
Michael Grauss, Germany
Family Matters
Moadon Team, France
Together, We Can!
Saul Kisel, Mexico

A Strong Community
Léa Atlani
Head of the communications department, CIV Malherbe Villeurbanne/Lyon community
Hello to all our friends of Israel Bonds,
Our community is very proud to have worked hand in hand with Israel Bonds
for many years.
Our community is rather observant and has a deep love for Israel, which is why we prioritize organizations promoting the State of Israel, especially Israel Bonds.
Israel Bonds enjoyed a golden age in Lyon and Villeurbanne, and we still have very strong memories of and ties to the organization. Indeed, the former representative of Israel Bonds in Lyon and the region, Yaelle Sellem, is a member of our community.
In our Consistoire, the idea of Israel Bonds as a link with Israel holds great appeal, and there have been many occasions to talk about this unique link with younger members of our community.
Our community is very proud to have worked hand in hand
with Israel Bonds for many years.
Israel Bonds play a part in our publications and magazines, and we try to make Israel Bonds messaging visible to as many people as possible via our social networks.
Israel Bonds is also represented at our main events— Hanukkah, Purim and especially Yom Ha’atzmaut.
We will soon be organizing a panel around the Israeli economy, and have invited Jonathan Touboul, the Director of Israel Bonds in France, to participate on the panel and give Israel Bonds the exposure this organization deserves.
We look forward to many more projects with Israel Bonds and wish you all a very happy and sweet new year.

A Perfect Partnership
Louise Jacobs
Chairman of UJIA
United Kingdom
I am proud of the relationship between UJIA (United Jewish Israel Appeal) and Israel Bonds. Our partnership makes perfect sense. Both our organisations are driven by a passionate commitment to Israel, offer opportunities for engagement and connection with Israel and strive towards a stronger Israel.
Sponsorship from Israel Bonds – of UJIA dinners, of our annual Yom Ha’atzmaut Business Breakfast, of our women’s programmes such as Lion of Judah – has helped bring our supporters together, sometimes over a whisky or two!
That helps UJIA do what we do best: strengthen the UK Jewish community through our connection to Israel and strengthening Israel through the commitment of the UK Jewish community. UJIA remains as dedicated to that goal as ever.
In Israel, we support projects like the Carmiel Children’s Village, which provides educational opportunities and a caring environment for hundreds of children at risk of poverty, neglect and abuse. At the Nirim Youth Village, we help teens with a history of crime and substance abuse build a better future for themselves. Through The Equalizer, we support disadvantaged children from across Israel through a combination of football training and education. And by backing projects like Tech Career, we help Ethiopian-Israelis without degrees enter the hi-tech sector.
Our partnership makes perfect sense. Both our organisations are driven by a passionate commitment to Israel, offer opportunities for engagement and connection with Israel and strive towards a stronger Israels.
As the needs of Israelis change and evolve, the way UJIA supports Israel evolves with them. Nowhere is this more apparent than through our Si3 model of social impact investing. Si3 is revolutionising the way our community gives to Israel, supporting incredible social enterprises such as Gvanim Shel Matok, a chocolate factory providing work and life chances to struggling teens, or Desert 19, providing training and opportunities for underprivileged women to participate and succeed in the modern workplace.
Projects like this not only deliver social good; they generate a profit, which is reinvested to deliver more social value. Every pound Si3 donors give, therefore, becomes a gift that keeps on giving. To find out more about Si3,
visit si3.ujia.org
UJIA will always strive for a stronger Israel in new, exciting and innovative ways. As we do so, I am grateful that we can count on Israel Bonds as a friend and partner.

Immense pride and honour
Jaime Cimerman
President, Renascença synagogue - São Paulo
It is with immense pride and honour that I address myself on behalf of the Renascença Synagogue Kehillah to the readers of Israel Bonds’ KOL newsletter.
Our partnership with Israel Bonds dates back more than five years, after long preparatory work by Eyla Benedykt, whose active participation continues to strengthen our relationship year after year.
Our synagogue’s association with Israel Bonds began during a visit by the then-president of Israel Bonds, Israel Maimon, in 2017. After a visit to our facilities and becoming aware of our partnership projects, Israel Bonds made a donation of machzorim for use at our Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services that year, which provided immense satisfaction to our more than eight hundred members.
After that initial success, our partnership continued through an exhibition launched by Israel Bonds of old certificates, which beautifully told the story of Israel Bonds. The exhibit was widely visited by many students of the school, their parents and the regular attendees of our synagogue services.
We are helping to make the connection we have with the State of Israel stronger.
At Chanukah, a large part of our community gathers at Higienópolis Shopping Centre. This past year featured a presentation by a choir, as well as the performance of Israeli dances from our students. The Consul General of Israel, as well as attendees from many Jewish institutions, were present as we lit the first Chanukah candle.
This year’s Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration was attended by parents of students, along with leaders of Jewish institutions. As we celebrated the seventy-first anniversary of Israel Bonds, the Consul General of Israel shared a message, called, “We believe in Israel.”
Our mission is to continue our friendship with Israel Bonds and build on that closeness. By doing so, we are helping to make the connection we have with the State of Israel stronger.
May G-D enlighten the State of Israel, and may the spiritual Light of Israel continue to shine brightly.

Meeting Point
Michael Grauss
Executive Director of Germany
Development Company for Israel (Europe) GmbH
Israel Bonds Germany cooperates with many local organizations, such as Makkabi, B’nai B’rith, Wizo, AJC, as well as Jewish student organizations, young professionals’ organizations, DIG/JUFO, Ebenezer, and more.
There is a small organization, though, that we are especially proud to support. They do not have many members and they are becoming fewer every year, but we cherish their work and dedication and believe that it is important. The organization is called Treffpunkt (translation: meeting point) and it is a club for survivors of the Shoah.
This generation knows from their experience how important the existence of the
State of Israel is.
Treffpunkt organizes events not only for the Jewish holidays but also for cultural events and regular meetings. Every year, we sponsor a cheesecake event during Shavuot and a Hanukkah candle lighting and sufganiot evening. Even during the pandemic, we managed to keep in touch with the survivors and personally brought the cheesecake for Shavuot to their homes. Some of the members have been connected to Israel Bonds for many years and others have invested in Israel Bonds for their children and grandchildren. This generation knows from their experience how important the existence of the State of Israel is; they do not take it for granted and therefore
support Israel Bonds.
Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer members, but we will continue to support Treffpunkt because each and every one of them is one of us and the reason why we are still here today.
Fortunately, the second generation of the survivors has continued to meet, and considers the organisation a way of perpetuating social gatherings
for the future.

Family Matters: Israel Bonds and Moadon
Kathleen Taïeb, Levana Benayoun, Kelly Seligman, Alon Fitoussi, and Samuel Bensimon.
Moadon Team - Executive Committee
Moadon is a French cultural and social organization founded in 1992 by a group of friends motivated to give meaning to their children’s holidays. Today, it is managed by a new generation of Jewish donors, children of the founding families.
Our mission is based on three pillars: solidarity, citizenship, and Jewish identity, together with a strong commitment to transmit Jewish legacy to younger generations through informal education. After thirty years, 20,000 Jewish youngsters aged four to twenty-five have participated in our famous summer camps, and the Moadon synagogue welcomes 150 people every Shabbat and 300 each Yom Kippur.
Moadon considers itself “a big family.” Israel Bonds is now part of our family,
and family matters!
Why Israel Bonds?
For thirty years, we had never really heard about Israel Bonds. But luckily, Elizabeth Cohen, an active member of our community, introduced us to this fantastic organization, whose values we share.
The partnership:
Throughout 2022, Moadon introduced over seventy families to Israel Bonds.
“Thanks to Israel Bonds, we have a concrete example of our connection to Israel and our kids have a direct connection to Israel,” said Samuel, our chief financial officer.
Moadon is a strong partner of a national charity program called Tzedakah Campaign, which in November and December will include a sports tournament, a kitchen master class, and more.
With Chanukah coming soon, Moadon is planning even more activities with Israel Bonds.
Moadon considers itself “a big family.” Israel Bonds is now part of our family, and family matters!
Photo Credit: Tania Cohen photography

Together, We Can!
Saul Kisel
Israel Bonds International CFO and Executive Director of Mexico.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
There is so much truth in Helen Keller’s words.
Our beloved State of Israel will be seventy-five in a few months; who could have imagined how much Israel would have grown and changed in so few years?
The world we live in today is different than it was seventy-five years ago. Israel is different, our communities are different, our organisations are different. Every organisation has diverse visions, missions, goals, and approaches, each more admirable than the other, but I want to believe that we have learned that working together, we can achieve so much more than we could individually.
During the past years, we have focused on trying to give back to our community, and have partnered in special projects with some organizations that have commendable missions such as: Yesod Haolam; whose mission (among many more) is to provide kosher meals at no cost for relatives of Jewish patients hospitalized, as well as delivering food to elderly people who live alone or who can no longer cook by themselves. Fundacion Pola AC; whose mission is to provide help and support to children with chronic diseases.
Working together, we can achieve so much more than we could individually.
Our Women’s Division, led by Linda Abadi de Sirazi, has been a determining factor in our success, strengthening relations with other organisations as well with what I believe is the future – our children. They have collaborated with most of the Jewish schools in our community, visiting with them, by delivering “Bond to Bond,” the Israel Bonds card game created by them and participating in activities with primary students. They have also donated chocolates to high school students who are gathering funds to pay for their trips to Israel. For most of these students, it will be their first visit.
I cannot end without remembering our participation in the 2019 Pan American Maccabi Games held in Mexico, in which we worked collaboratively with the CDI - Centro Deportivo Israelita. These games, and the competition and camaraderie they inspired, represent the finest ideals of the Jewish spirit. It is the same spirit that made the modern State of Israel possible.
As Shimon Peres z”l said: “Without a fantasy, you cannot do fantastic things.”