The 70th Anniversary of Israel Bonds -
A Celebration for All of Us
Global President & CEO Israel Maimon on the Relevance of Israel Bonds Today
“Like Israel itself, Israel Bonds came into existence at a defining moment, in the shadow of the Holocaust and aftermath of the War of Independence.”

On September 3, the global celebration of the 70th anniversary of Israel Bonds was officially launched. I emphasize the word “global,” because when Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion convened the Bonds founding conference on that historic date in 1950, the idea that it would ultimately spawn a worldwide enterprise likely seemed doubtful to many in attendance.
Yet, with spirit and determination, the vision first articulated in a small Jerusalem conference room evolved into a dynamic reality, spanning dozens of cities across three continents and uniting individuals and generations from all walks of life in support of Israel.
When Ben-Gurion journeyed to New York the following May to formally launch Israel Bonds, he was confident the Jewish community would respond. Throughout seven decades and sales now in excess of $45 billion, the visionary prime minister’s confidence has been vindicated time and again.
Like Israel itself, Israel Bonds came into existence at a defining moment, in the shadow of the Holocaust and aftermath of the War of Independence. Its value was immediate, with proceeds put to use to help build the economic foundations for what would become a groundbreaking, widely-admired
Jewish state.
In representing Israel Bonds, I understood I carried with me the hopes, yearnings and aspirations of every individual who has ever been associated with the organisation, from the founders who could only dream of such a moment, to the collective Bonds family of today.
Today, Israel Bonds continues to perpetuate its legacy as a strategic asset for Israel. With the coronavirus pandemic impacting Israel’s economy, we reached out to the Finance Ministry with a detailed plan to increase the 2020 U.S. sales goal from $1.1 billion to $1.5 billion, and the worldwide goal to $1.7 billion.
In expressing appreciation to an international Bonds audience in July, Finance Ministry Accountant General Rony Hizkiyahu said, “When our needs for investment are three times the usual, and when we are planning ways of funding the deficit . . . we are very happy with Israel Bonds’ declaration that they are going beyond their goal.”
And, although we live in challenging times, there is still good news to be found. On September 15, I had the honor of being at the White House to witness a true miracle - the signing of the landmark Abraham Accords between Israel, the UAE and Bahrain. In representing Israel Bonds, I understood I carried with me the hopes, yearnings and aspirations of every individual who has ever been associated with the organisation, from the founders who could only dream of such a moment, to the collective Bonds family of today. After decades of war and chaos, a hopeful path was being forged, and every Israel Bonds lay leader, staff member and investor was now part of a remarkable new era.
From that perspective, the 70th anniversary of Israel Bonds is not only an organisational landmark - it is a celebration for all of us. Congratulations on helping to make so much possible
Israel Maimon is president and CEO of Development Corporation for Israel/Israel Bonds and a former government secretary in the cabinets of Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert