Israel Bonds KOL September_MOBILE HEADER

I’ve Spent Years Photographing The Breathtaking Landscapes Of My Country.

Noam Chen

My country is arguably one of the smallest in the world. With little over 8000 sq. miles (20,000 sq. km) in size, it can fit 19 times inside California. Even more so, 60% of it is desert.

Nonetheless, it is one of the most successful and thriving countries on earth.

See if you can guess which country it is, by these interesting clues:

  1. Here you can find the lowest point on earth, the world’s oldest continuously inhabited town and the oldest continuously used cemetery.
  2. It is only 70 years old as an independent state, even though its history dates back more than 3000 years.
  3. It has a major influence on the world’s advancements in science, technology and medicine, and has produced 12 Nobel Prize winners so far.
  4. It is the only liberal democracy in a region of ongoing political turmoil.
  5. The nation’s official language had not been spoken for centuries and was revived when the country was established.
  6. All major religions consider this country to be the birthplace of the world.

These clues may have helped you understand that the country I’m referring to is of course, Israel, also known as the Holy Land.

I was born and raised in Israel, and that’s where I launched my career as a professional photographer. I’ve been shooting my country’s incredible landscapes for over 10 years now.

But just by looking at these photos, I’m sure you would have never guessed where it was.

Besides being home to some of the world’s most iconic and historically important sites, Israel also has stunning and diverse landscapes that can rival any other country in the world.

Take a look for yourself.

More info:

Resembling the Salt Flats of Bolivia?
The incredible Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth

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Looks like a postcard from the Netherlands, a beautiful buttercups field
in southern Israel

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Could be mistaken for any European capital, a main street in the Israeli capital of Jerusalem

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Like a Greek Church by the Mediterranean. The Church of the 12 Apostles, Sea of Galilee

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A Dutch town under the cover of snow? That’s actually winter in Jerusalem…

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Almost out of a fairytale, a cyclamens forest in central Israel

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Wouldn’t you think that’s a seaside town on the Adriatic? In fact, that’s
the Old City of Jaffa

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Much like the hills of Tuscany… The luscious region of the Upper Galilee
in Northern Israel

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Stunning sunsets like this are a common sight along the coastline of the Mediterranean

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Looks like a village in Russia? That’s the beautiful Ein Kerem neighborhood in Jerusalem

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Just like the beautiful caves of Malta, crystal-clear turquoise waters in the grottoes of Rosh Hanikra

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Could easily be a scene out of Rome. Walking through history in Beit She’an National Park

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Like the backyard of a European palace, the marvelous Baha’i Gardens
of Haifa

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Rivals the temples of India? The rock-carved St. George Monastery in
the Judea Desert

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This isn’t anywhere in the U.K… these are ruins of a crusader castle in Israel’s Galilee region

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Just like any modern Metropolis in the U.S, the high-tech city of Tel Aviv

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Closest to the colorful mountains of Peru or China, the unique colored
sand in Israel’s Negev Desert

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A scenic countryside in Switzerland? That’s another view of Israel’s lush Galilee region

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Close to the Galilee, the Golan Heights also has some stunning raging waterfalls

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Almost identical to the Theatre of Dionysus in Athens, the ancient Coliseum in Caesarea National Park

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A scene out of Africa? These migrating cranes spend the autumn in
Israel’s Hula Lake Park before making the journey to Africa

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Would you believe that’s a desert in the Middle East? That’s spring time
at the Northern Negev Desert, in a country which is full surprising views

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Republished with permission from Noam Chen.