2024 Events - Past Events

„Die Zweifler“ Im Gespräch mit David und Sarah Hadda.
English translation of this article follows below.
Stephan Fichtner
ehem. Vorsitzender New Leadership
Am 5. November, dem Abend der US-Wahlen, kamen auf Einladung von New Leadership von Israel Bonds Deutschland ca. 60 Personen zusammen, um dem Gespräch zwischen den Preisträgern David Hadda, seiner Frau Dr. Sarah Hadda, beide Drehbuchautoren der Serie und dem Journalisten Michael von Bassewitz zu folgen.
Hanita Ajnwojner (Stellvertretende Generaldirektorin) begrüßte die Gäste. Sie informierte über die aktuelle Situation in Israel und betonte, wie wichtig es heute sei, den Staat Israel in dieser schwierigen Zeit durch eine Investition in Israel Bonds zu unterstützen. Im Anschluss übergab sie das Wort an Stephan Fichtner. Er gab uns einen Rückblick über die letzten 7 Jahre seiner ehrenamtlichen Tätigkeit als Chairman of New Leadership bei Israel Bonds.
Wo beginnt die Geschichte einer TV-Serie über eine jüdische Familie zwischen Berlin, Tel Aviv und Frankfurt, zwischen Gegenwart und Vergangenheit, zwischen Wandel und Tradition? Für den Showrunner der Zweiflers (zu sehen in der Mediathek der ARD) beginnt sie bei den Sopranos, der bekannten Serie über eine italo-amerikanische Familie. Die Geschichte einer jüdischen Familie aus Frankfurt am Main ist eben auch die Geschichte einer Familie, und die hat weit mehr Dimensionen als nur die Religionszugehörigkeit - und genau darin vermitteln „Die Zweiflers“ jüdische Identität so anschaulich und unprätentiös wie kaum eine andere Serie
In 60 Minuten führten der Journalist und die beiden Haddas durch die Entstehungsgeschichte der Serie, von der Konzeption über die Präsentation bei der ARD, die Dreharbeiten und die Ausstrahlung, die u.a. in Cannes, mit dem Deutschen Fernsehpreis und dem Nachwuchspreis des Hessischen Filmpreises ausgezeichnet wurde.
Auch der 7. Oktober habe eine Rolle gespielt, so sei eine besonders relevante Szene, die in der Kulturszene spielt, am 9. Oktober gedreht worden, während in unmittelbarer Nähe des Drehortes noch der Terroranschlag Israel von Hamas-Sympathisanten gefeiert wurde. Auch die Kulturszene selbst kam zur Sprache: Sarah und David berichteten von einem lauten Schweigen.
Die Serie arbeitet mit Untertiteln, da neben Deutsch auch auf authentisches Jiddisch, Englisch, Russisch und Hebräisch zurückgegriffen wird. Dass eine zweite Staffel auf dem Weg ist, konnten die beiden verraten
Vielen Dank an Dr. Sarah Hadda, David Hadda und Michael von Bassewitz für das kurzweilige Gespräch sowie an Dr. Anastassia Pletoukhina und die Jewish Agency für die Räumlichkeiten.
Anmerkung des Autors:
Nach sieben wunderbaren Jahren endete mit der Veranstaltung zu „Die Zweifler“ meine Zeit als ehrenamtlicher Vorsitzender des New Leadership Programms von Israel Bonds Deutschland. Ich möchte mich bei Arnon Perlman, Michael Grauss, Hanita Ajnwojner, Nava Nadler von Israel Bonds und Sebastian Hoffmann von New Leadership bedanken, sowie bei allen Mitarbeitern von Bonds und allen Ehrenamtlichen, die ich kennenlernen durfte. Darunter (stellvertretend für viele andere): Dani Naveh, Israel Maimon, Sarah Friedman, Rachel Fertel, Teri Herbstmann und ganz besonders Jason Schwartz und Israel Steckler. Die vergangenen Jahre waren für mich eine unersetzliche Erfahrung, die ich nie vergessen werde, und ich hoffe, dass ich meinen Teil dazu beitragen kann.
Yours truly, Stephan Fichtner
Eine Anmerkung von Israel Bonds:
Wir möchten Stephan für sein großes Engagement für Israel, Israel Bonds und die New Leadership Division danken, die er in den letzten sieben Jahren mit aufgebaut hat.

The Zweiflers: In Conversation with David and
Sarah Hadda.
Stephan Fichtner
Immediate past Chairman of New Leadership
On 5 November, the evening of the US elections, around sixty people came together at the invitation of Israel Bonds New Leadership in Germany for a conversation between journalist Michael von Bassewitz and the award- winning screenwriters of the series, The Zweiflers, David Hadda, and his wife, Dr Sarah Hadda.
Hanita Ajnwojner, Israel Bonds Deputy Managing Director, welcomed the guests and provided and update on the current situation in Israel while also emphasizing the importance of supporting the State of Israel with Israel Bonds in these difficult times. Stephan Fichtner then gave an overview of the last seven years of his contributions as chairman of the New Leadership division.
Where does the story of a TV series about a Jewish family that drifts between Berlin, Tel Aviv and Frankfurt, between the present and the past, between change and tradition begin? For the showrunners of The Zweiflers, which can be viewed in the ARD media centre, it begins with The Sopranos, the well-known series about an Italian-American family. But the saga of a Jewish family from Frankfurt am Main has far more dimension than just religious affiliation, and this is precisely where Die Zweiflers manages to convey Jewish identity so vividly and unpretentiously.
In sixty minutes, the journalist and the two Haddas guided the audience through the history of the series, from its conception to its presentation at ARD, the filming and the broadcast, which was honoured with the German Television Award, and the Young Talent Award of the Hessian Film Prize in Cannes, among others.
The 7th of October also played a role, as a particularly relevant scene was filmed on the 9th of October, while Hamas sympathisers were celebrating the terrorist attack on Israel in the immediate vicinity of the filming location. The scene itself also came up for discussion: Sarah and David reported a loud silence.
The series is available with subtitles, as authentic Yiddish, English, Russian and Hebrew are used in addition to German. Our guests were able to reveal that a second season is on the way.
Many thanks to Dr Sarah Hadda, David Hadda and Michael von Bassewitz for the entertaining conversation, and to Dr Anastassia Pletoukhina and the Jewish Agency for providing their space for this event.
Note from the author:
After seven wonderful years, this event marked the end of my time as chair of the Israel Bonds New Leadership division in Germany. I would like to thank Arnon Perlman, Michael Grauss, Hanita Ajnwojner, and Nava Nadler from Israel Bonds, and Sebastian Hoffmann from New Leadership, as well as all the Bonds staff and volunteers I had the pleasure of working with meeting. Among them and (representing many others were: Dani Naveh, Israel Maimon, Sarah Friedman, Rachel Fertel, Teri Herbstmann, and especially Jason Schwartz and Israel Steckler. The past few years have been an irreplaceable experience for me that I will never forget, and I hope that I can continue to do my part.
Yours truly, Stephan Fichtner
A note from Israel Bonds:
We would like to thank Stephan for his great commitment to Israel, Israel Bonds and the New Leadership Division which he helped build up over the last seven years.
Ebenezer Relief Fund Germany Hosts Israel Bonds information night in Hamburg.
1 July 2024
On July 1 st, Israel Bonds Germany was invited to a meeting of thirty participants, organized by the Ebenezer Hilfsfonds Deutschland e.V. (The Ebenezer Relief Fund, Germany) for their supporters in their Hamburg location. This Christian non- profit charitable organization focused on providing financial assistance and support to individuals and families in need. A key part of their mission is to help Jewish people return to Israel, providing support for their migration and settlement. Mr. Kaasmann, the chairman of the organization, explained to the audience that their organization and Israel Bonds have been acquainted for many years. He emphasized how important it is to support the Jewish homeland and announced that the Ebenezer organization and he himself will continue to do so.
We met wonderful people who are supporting the State of Israel. We are very thankful that we were given a platform to share with the members of the Ebenezer organization about our work and the meaningful opportunity to invest in Israel Bonds.

Renowned Sculptor Frances Segelman at Home
17 April 2024
Israel Bonds collaborated with UJIA for a boutique event with renowned sculptor Francis Segelman at her exquisite home in London. The event was an enchanting exploration of artistic mastery and creativity.
Frances is known for her sculptural portraits of royalty, political figures, showbiz celebrities and holocaust survivors. Through her eloquent presentation, Segelman offered profound insights into her artistic process, inspirations, and the profound narratives woven into her remarkable creations. Additionally, guests had the unique opportunity to visit Segelman's home studio, providing an intimate glimpse into her creative sanctuary and the environment where her artistic visions come to life.
A particular emphasis was placed on the exquisite memorials to our heroic Holocaust survivors, which will live on long after they have left us.
It was an unforgettable evening leaving attendees enriched by the experience and on a real high.

7 March 2024 France
English translation of this article follows below.
Le 7 mars 2024, à l’occasion de la journée internationale de la femme, la division féminine Israël Bonds France a organisé en partenariat avec Moadon, une affachat halla pour la paix animée par Mariacha Drai, une conférencière orthodoxe renommée, maman d’un soldat isolé. 100 femmes se sont réunies pour soutenir Israel, prier pour la libération des otages et la protection de hayalim, avec une pensée particulière pour toutes les femmes d’Israel. Elizabeth a présenté en détails Israel bonds à l’assistance, car la grande majorité des participantes ne connaissait pas du tout. Puis, Catherine Lacrosnière, co présidente de la WDF France, a insisté sur l’importance de soutenir Israel avec Israel bonds, et invité les femmes à devenir à leur tour ambassadrices bénévoles. Puis, guidées par Mariacha, les femmes ont pétri la pâte dans la joie, Caroline Berdugo de la WDF a fait le prélèvement, lu la prière et ensemble toutes ont priés. Elizabeth et Mariacha ont rappelé : l'importance de l'identité juive, de l'engagement, de la transmission de génération en génération, et que les femmes juives du monde entier incarnent l'espoir et l'avenir d'Israël. Toutes sont reparties avec de belles hallot et se sont souhaitées chabath chalom.
On 7th March 2024, in honour of International Women's Day, Israel Bonds Women's Division in France, in partnership with Moadon, held a Challah Bake for Peace hosted by Mariacha Drai, a prominent Orthodox speaker, mother of a lone soldier, hayal boded, in the IDF. One hundred women gathered in support of Israel, to pray for the release of the hostages and the protection of the soldiers, with a focus on all the women of Israel. Elizabeth Cohen, Israel Bonds Senior Sales Executive, in France presented Israel Bonds to the audience, most of whom are just getting to know Israel Bonds. Catherine Lacrosnière, co-chair of the Women's Division in France, emphasised the importance of supporting Israel with Israel Bonds, inviting all the women in attendance to become lay leaders. She also spoke to the mothers in the room about the importance of passing on the connection to Israel to their children through Israel Bonds. Guided by Mariacha, the women joyfully kneaded the dough. Caroline Berdugo, a member of Women's Division in France, separated the challah and led the blessing followed by a collective prayer. Elizabeth and Mariacha reiterated the importance of Jewish identity, commitment, and continuity, l’dor v’dor, from generation to generation and that Jewish women worldwide embody the hope and future of Israel. All participants left the event with beautiful and delicious challahs wishing each other Shabbat Shalom.

Israel Bonds in Mexico Hosts Global President and CEO, Dani Naveh.
In February, we were honoured to host Dani Naveh, Israel Bonds Global President and CEO and his wife Tsili, for their first visit to Israel Bonds in Mexico. Throughout his visit, Dani had the opportunity to meet the wonderful community of Mexico as well as many of our cherished community leaders,
partners, and supporters.
Deborah and Jaime Schmidt graciously hosted a delightful dinner reception at their residence in honour of our esteemed guest, Dani Naveh, former Israeli Government Minister and current Global President and CEO of Israel Bonds. The occasion provided a splendid opportunity to share an evening with many dear friends of Israel Bonds in Mexico and their families, allowing us to express our gratitude for their unwavering loyalty. It was heartening to see many young faces present, embracing the legacy of being part of the Israel Bonds family. The principle of L'dor V'dor, passing down from generation to generation, is at the core of our values. Through this tradition, we not only impart financial wisdom to our children but also instil in them a profound love for the State of Israel.

Nathan Feldman, Jaime Schmidt, Tsili and Dani Naveh display
Huichol art award to commemorate this visit to Mexico.

The Women’s Division committee in Mexico hosted a special breakfast in honour of Dani Naveh, Global President and CEO of Israel Bonds, during his visit to Mexico. Linda Sirazi, Chair of the Women’s Division, delivered remarks on the committee’s achievements and successes, which included showcasing a video montage of all the wonderful events they had organised over the past year. A highlight of the event was the presentation of a symbolic cheque, representing the Women’s Division's efforts in supporting Israel through various inter-community initiatives since October 7th. The morning was filled with delight and excitement as we reflected on Women’s Division Mexico’s accomplishments and looked ahead to future plans.

Dani Naveh, accompanied by Saul Kisel and David Bar On, visited the Maguen David Community Centre in Mexico City. Isidoro Sirazi, the new President of the Maguen David Board of Directors, along with other board members, warmly welcomed our team and provided a tour of the facility. They showcased the impressive programming offered to the community and highlighted the invaluable outreach work they undertake to enhance and assist the local community in Mexico. Dani Naveh was deeply impressed and graciously invited to sign the book of distinguished visitors.

The CDI sports complex has been a second home to thousands of families, athletes, and community members for over 70 years. At this Jewish community centre in Mexico, thousands of families gather every day for a variety of activities, socialising, and sports. We were delighted to tour the facility with the members of the CDI Board of Directors. Following the tour, Dani was invited to sign their book of distinguished visitors and to attend the weekly Future Planning Session with members of the centre. We had the opportunity to thank them for their support to Israel Bond with an award we specially made for them. The CDI sports Jewish community centre has always been the keynote for the love to Israel that the community of Mexico have.

We also had the pleasure of visiting one of the most innovative and spacious Jewish Community Centres in Mexico, the new Bet-El Community Centre, currently under construction by the renowned architect Enrique Norten. It was a special honour to receive a guided tour of the facility by our very own International Board Member, Jaime Schmidt, who also serves as president of the construction committee for this project and as a member of the Bet El board of directors.

Photos by Nir Dor
February 4, 2024 UK
The Israel Bonds Women's Division in the UK was delighted to extend its support to Art Aid Israel, an initiative dedicated to uplifting Western Negev Communities, on Sunday, February 4th, at the esteemed Catto Gallery in Hampstead.
Art Aid Israel's mission is deeply rooted in the belief that art serves as a profound instrument for healing and expressing profound emotions, offering a sanctuary amidst the current challenges of unrest, melancholy, and a sense of displacement in Israel today. Sixty talented Israeli and London-based artists generously contributed their artwork, with proceeds from their sale earmarked to bolster the Art Therapy and Creative
Art Workshops Programs facilitated by the UMM Culture Artists Association within Israel’s Western
Negev communities.
The gallery was abuzz with over 40 Israel Bonds investors who were treated to a captivating exhibition of art pieces. Attendees had the pleasure of engaging with the curator and some of the artists involved in bringing this meaningful project to life.

Gillian Perry MBE, UK Women Division Chair, addressing the guests at the Art Aid exhibit at Catto Gallery in Hampstead.

Israel Bonds Women’s Division - México
January 30, 2024 México
Esther, a cherished member of Israel Bonds Women’s Division in México, hosted an intimate and thought-provoking event at her home on January 30th with guest speaker Mario Sinay, PhD, an expert in Education, specializing in Holocaust Studies. Dr. Sinay shared his and his family's experiences from the dreadful day of October 7th. The audience was captivated by his retelling of the harrowing events, moving stories, and insightful reflections. Mr. Sinay ended the event saying “This made Israel realize how much it needs the Jews of the Diaspora and how much the Jews of the Diaspora need Israel.”